24 Mind-Blowing Cleaning Hacks For Every Room In House

The chore of cleaning can be daunting! Fortunately, these clever hacks will make it more manageable and even enjoyable. When the thought of deep-cleaning an entire house leaves you feeling overwhelmed, remember that you don’t need to tackle everything at once. Break your cleaning tasks into smaller chunks by focusing on one room or task per day. By doing so, you’ll be able to keep your home spotless without exhausting yourself.

In addition to saving time and energy, these lazy cleaning tricks and hacks can also help you save money and reduce stress. Many of these tips are cost-free, making them an attractive option for those looking to simplify their cleaning routine. Here are some innovative ideas for cleaning hacks that can be applied to every part of your home, transforming the process from tedious to tolerable.

Make Your Oven Glass Top Gleam

Make Your Oven Glass Top Gleam

For many of us, cleaning the oven can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to the glass surface on top. Scratches are a real concern, which is why we often spend hours trying to remove stubborn grime without causing any damage. But what if I told you that there’s a simple and effective solution that requires just a few household ingredients? Enter Dawn soap, baking soda, and peroxide – the ultimate trifecta for a sparkling clean oven surface.

Start by squeezing Dawn soap liberally over the glass top of your oven, taking care not to splash any on the surrounding surfaces. Next, grab some hydrogen peroxide from your bathroom and give it a quick squeeze onto the soapy surface. Yes, you read that right – we’re essentially turning ourselves into mad scientists in the pursuit of a cleaner oven!

Once you’ve achieved this unlikely combination, sprinkle some baking soda over the top to create a paste-like consistency.

Now it’s time to get your scrub on using a soft-bristled dish brush – think of it as giving your oven a gentle exfoliating treatment.

After you’ve worked the grime loose, grab a damp cloth and wipe away the mess, leaving behind a sparkling clean glass surface that looks brand new.

Dazzle Dishwasher Vents

Dazzle Dishwasher Vents

Take a moment to examine the air vents on your floor, ceiling, and dishwasher closely. You may be surprised by the accumulation of dirt and dust that has built up over time. But fear not, as cleaning these vents is a relatively effortless task. Begin by removing the vents using a screwdriver. If they’re metal, ensure they’re not chipped before proceeding. Once you’ve confirmed their material and condition, place the vents in the dishwasher alone, without adding any detergent.

Let the appliance do its job and complete a cycle with just the vents on board. Alternatively, if you prefer not to put them in the dishwasher, you can hand wash them using a small-bristled brush, similar to a paintbrush. To maintain their cleanliness throughout the year, use a duster to gently remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated. This simple habit can make a notable difference, particularly for individuals who suffer from allergies.

Maximize Mold Removal in the Shower

Maximize Mold Removal in the Shower

For older tubs, mold and mildew can easily settle into the cracks of the corners. To prevent this from happening, consider using a bleaching gel specifically designed for tubs or toilets (it’s suitable for both). Simply squeeze the gel into the cracks and corners, allowing it to sit for a few minutes before rinsing or wiping it away. This method is surprisingly effective at removing dirt and grime without requiring any scrubbing.

If you’re looking for more bathroom cleaning tips, you’ve come to the right place!

Sink Stains Are History

Sink Stains Are History

Those pesky orange-looking rings that form around your sink over time? They’re a telltale sign of hard water! Despite regular cleaning, these stains can be stubborn. But don’t worry, you might already have the solution in your home. Simply mix 1 cup of Epsom salt (available here), ½ cup of baking soda, and ¼ cup of liquid dish soap (like Dawn works well). Combine this mixture with a scrub brush to tackle those hard water stains. After scrubbing, rinse the sink thoroughly.

While it may not completely eliminate the stains, you’ll notice a significant improvement. For more clever uses for baking soda, check out our collection of cleaning hacks here!

Remove Water Stains from Wood

Remove Water Stains from Wood

The perpetual struggle against water rings on wooden furniture is a common one. Despite repeated reminders to family members to use coasters, the unsightly stains persist. However, there’s a simple solution that can quickly and easily remove these rings without requiring any specialized products or equipment. The answer lies in an everyday household staple – toothpaste. To remove the stain, squeeze a small amount of non-gel toothpaste onto the ring, taking care not to apply too much at once.

Then, using a soft cloth, gently rub the toothpaste into the stain until it disappears.

Get a Scum-Free Sink

Get a Scum-Free Sink

The pesky buildup around the sink drain can be frustratingly persistent. Despite trying various solutions, the unsightly grime tends to linger. The key to effectively removing this unwanted residue lies in thinking outside the box – or in this case, the bathroom cabinet. Denture tablets hold the secret to effortlessly banishing the perpetual ring around your sink. To put this hack into practice, start by filling the sink with an inch of hot water.

Next, drop-in a tablet and let it sit for approximately 15 minutes, allowing the mixture to work its magic as the water transitions from bright to clear. Finally, drain the sink, give it a thorough rinse, and wipe down the surface with a soft cloth – and voilà! The ring will vanish, leaving your sink looking like new.

Handmade Grout Cleaner

Handmade Grout Cleaner

While gross grout can quickly mar the appearance of an entire bathroom, there’s no need to break the bank on specialized cleaners. Instead, create your own effective and budget-friendly grout cleaner using just two simple ingredients: baking soda and bleach. To make the mixture, combine ¾ cup of baking soda with ¼ cup of bleach, then apply it to the grout until it reaches its original brightness. Be patient, as this process may take some time, but the end result will be well worth the effort.

For optimal results, allow the mixture to sit before wiping clean. As a safety precaution, always wear protective eyewear and gloves when working with bleach, and consider opening a window or wearing a respirator to minimize inhalation risks.

Microwave Magic

Microwave Magic

Microwave maintenance can be a real challenge, especially when stubborn stains have built up over time. However, with a simple trick, you can restore your appliance’s original shine without much effort. The secret lies in harnessing the power of steam and vinegar. To begin, combine two cups of water with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in a microwave-safe bowl. If the pungent aroma of vinegar bothers you, add a single drop of your preferred essential oil to mask the scent.

Next, place a toothpick in the liquid to prevent it from boiling over during the heating process. Now, set the timer for five minutes and let the microwave do its magic. The key is to allow the bowl to remain inside the appliance for an additional minute or two after the timer expires. This extended exposure allows the steam to fully combine with the vinegar, making it effortless to wipe away even the most tenacious grime.

Once the process is complete, carefully remove the bowl and tray, and use a soft cloth to gently sweep away any remaining debris.

Clean Cabinets

Clean Cabinets

It’s astonishing how quickly cabinet surfaces can become tarnished by everyday use. Fingerprints, grease, and general wear and tear can leave unsightly smudges and streaks. But fear not, for a few simple steps can restore your cabinets to their original shine. The trusty stalwart of cleaning products, Dawn soap, is the key to unlocking a sparkling, grease-free finish. Simply fill a bowl with warm water, add a judicious amount of Dawn, and dip in a soft sponge.

Gently scrub away at the cabinet surfaces, then pat dry with a lint cloth to reveal a spotless, squeaky-clean finish. A minute of your time is all it takes to banish grease and leave your kitchen looking refreshed.

Sanitize Toys

When your child has a cold and you’re consumed by the urge to sanitize everything they’ve touched in recent memory – from bleach-sprayed surfaces to hand-washed toys and Purell-coated everything – consider making life easier on yourself. Instead of laboriously wiping down each toy with individual cleaners, toss them all into the dishwasher for a comprehensive clean. Opt for a gentle cycle with a natural soap solution like [insert brand name here].

This method is ideal for plastic playthings, blocks, and other non-fabric or battery-powered items. By doing so, you’ll save time and effort, and avoid the frustration of manually cleaning each toy one by one.

Crock-Pot Air Freshener

Crock-Pot Air Freshener

If you’re dealing with a stinky house, you might be getting tired of relying on candles and sprays to mask the smell. And if you’re out of odor-fighting products or haven’t had time to restock, it can feel like a daunting task. But fear not! If you have a crockpot or instant pot lying around, you can whip up a natural air freshener that’s both effective and customizable.

To get started, simply fill your crockpot with water and add in a few tablespoons of baking soda.

Then, turn it on and let it run without the lid for a bit. This should be enough to neutralize any lingering odors in the air. And if you want to give your home a little extra flair, you can add in some cinnamon or lemon to give it a unique scent that suits your taste.

Sanitize Your Stove

Sanitize Your Stove

When it comes to cleaning your stovetop, whether glass or not, a little creativity and elbow grease can go a long way. To tackle even the grimiest of surfaces, start by liberally sprinkling baking soda across the entire area. Next, fill a spray bottle with vinegar – if you don’t have one on hand, you can easily pick one up online. Once your bottle is stocked, spritz the vinegar evenly over the baking soda, allowing the mixture to sit for a moment before getting to work.

Use a gentle wire-free scrubber to loosen and remove any stubborn grime, then finish things off with a damp cloth to wipe away any remaining residue.

Sparkling Cookie Sheets

Sparkling Cookie Sheets

As cookie sheets age, they tend to develop a darkened surface, giving them a dull and worn appearance. However, with a simple cleaning hack, you can restore their original shine. Baking soda takes center stage once again in this process.

To give your cookie sheets a facelift, start by generously applying baking soda to the sheets. For an added boost, create a paste by mixing baking soda and peroxide, or combine peroxide with water in a spray bottle and spritz the sheets.

Allow the sheet to sit for a short while.

Next, use a scrubby sponge or brush to thoroughly clean the surface, effectively removing layers of built-up residue. Finally, rinse the sheets and gently pat them dry to reveal their renewed brilliance.

Double Panes No Longer a Pane – Clean the Oven Door

Double Panes No Longer a Pane – Clean the Oven Door

A double-pane oven door poses an intriguing cleaning conundrum: how to effectively access the space between the glass panes. The solution lies in thinking outside the box – or rather, outside the kitchen. Find a slender stick with dimensions that match the gap between the panes and wrap it with paper towels. Secure the wrapping with tape and give it a spritz of glass cleaner. Then, carefully insert the prepared stick into the narrow opening and gently scrub the glass surface.

This unorthodox method may seem unusual, but its effectiveness is undeniable.

Remove Pet Hair from Cars and Carpet

Remove Pet Hair from Cars and Carpet

As a pet owner, it’s not uncommon to find unwanted fur accumulating in unexpected places – like your car, for instance. But fear not! A simple squeegee can be your best friend in this situation. By using it to sweep up the stray hairs into a neat clump, you’ll make quick work of cleaning those hard-to-reach areas. This trick isn’t just limited to cars, either – it’s perfect for stairs, furniture, and more.

And if you’re looking for even more pet-related cleaning wisdom, be sure to check out our carpet cleaning tips for some valuable advice.

Gleaming Oven Glass

Gleaming Oven Glass

The humble glass surface of your oven door often falls prey to neglect, only to be rediscovered in a state of grimy despair. However, this common issue can be swiftly addressed with the trusty aid of Magic Erasers. These versatile cleaning tools have a multitude of uses and are fortunately well-suited for tackling the tough task of scrubbing away stubborn grime and restoring the oven door’s original clarity.

Carpet Clean-Up

Carpet Clean-Up

When it comes to carpet spills, oil-based ones can be particularly challenging. They not only ruin the appearance of your carpet but also leave behind an unpleasant odor. To tackle these stubborn stains and restore your carpet’s original condition, a little creativity and elbow grease are required.

The key to removing oily messes lies in concocting a customized cleaning solution. Start by soaking up as much of the spill as possible with baking soda.

Then, mix two cups of warm water with a tablespoon each of mild dish soap (Dawn is a reliable choice) and white vinegar. Apply this mixture to the stained area using a microfiber washcloth, working from the outside inwards. Once you’ve covered the entire stain, use the cloth to blot the excess liquid, making sure not to rub or scrub too hard.

Toilet Tablets

Toilet Tablets

Imagine the thrill of bathing with a bath bomb and envision your toilet experiencing similar revitalization – this time, courtesy of DIY toilet bombs! The concept may seem unusual, but trust us, it’s a game-changer. By combining 1 cup of baking soda, 2/3 cup of citric acid, 1 tablespoon of dish liquid, and a silicone tray reminiscent of ice cube molds, you’ll be on your way to creating an effortless toilet cleaning experience.

The mixing process is straightforward – simply combine the ingredients until they form a harmonious blend. Next, press the mixture into the tray and allow it to dry for a few hours before storing it in a jar with a secure lid.

On your next cleaning day, simply toss one of these DIY toilet bombs into the bowl and watch as it effortlessly breaks down any stubborn stains, leaving you with a sparkling clean toilet without the need for scrubbing.

The result is a stress-free and rejuvenating experience that will leave you wondering how you ever managed without these convenient little wonders!

Tackle the Trash Can

Tackle the Trash Can

To banish unpleasant odors from your kitchen trash can, venture outdoors and grab a hose similar to this one. With a long-handled scrub brush and some mild detergent at the ready, don a pair of gloves and give the interior of the receptacle a thorough cleaning. The hose allows for effortless access to all corners and crevices. Once clean, allow it to air-dry or gently pat dry with a large towel.

Sponge Soak

Sponge Soak

The notion that sponges are inherently unappealing is undeniable. To tackle this issue head-on, why not sanitize them? A simple yet effective approach involves submerging the sponge in a bowl of vinegar and allowing it to soak for a brief period. Following this step, squeeze out any excess liquid, and within a mere five minutes, your sponge will be thoroughly sanitized and ready for its next use.

Give Your Top Loader Some Love

Give Your Top Loader Some Love

Despite being self-contained units, top-loading washing machines still require periodic cleaning to ensure optimal performance and hygiene. To accomplish this, start by running a bleach cycle to loosen any built-up debris, followed by an hour-long soaking period. Next, execute a vinegar cycle to target the interior components and eliminate any lingering detergent residue.

Once complete, your machine will be revitalized and ready for its next use, with a fresh and clean interior that’s free from the buildup of daily washing.

Free Your Shower Head of Hard Water

Free Your Shower Head of Hard Water

Take a gander at your shower head’s current state – I’m willing to bet that it’s clogged with stubborn hard water deposits. Revitalizing it can have a significant impact on your daily routine.

To get started, prepare a makeshift soak by filling a sandwich bag with white vinegar and adding a few drops of your preferred essential oil for a refreshing twist. Secure the bag with an elastic tie to submerge the showerhead within the acidic solution, then let it sit undisturbed overnight.

In the morning, carefully remove the bag and wipe away any remaining residue using a soft microfiber cloth. You should notice a marked difference in the head’s appearance – and potentially even its performance.

Swiffer Socks

Swiffer Socks

If you’re like many parents, you likely have a stash of single ‘cozy socks’ lingering in your kids’ sock drawers. Similarly, you might have some lone socks without a match. Rather than letting these useful scraps go to waste, consider repurposing them into washable dusters for your Swiffer. Simply slide a fleecy sock over the device and voila! You’ll have an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to commercial dusting pads.

Easy Oven Rack Cleaning

Easy Oven Rack Cleaning

When it comes to tackling tough cleaning tasks, many of us turn to specialized products. However, baking soda and vinegar are surprisingly effective at removing grime from everyday items like oven racks. To give your racks a deep clean, start by removing them from the oven and placing them in the bathtub. Next, spray the racks with white vinegar to help loosen any stuck-on food particles. Follow up by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda over the surface.

Finally, use hot water and a scrub brush or sponge to work away any stubborn stains. Rinse the racks thoroughly, and they’ll be good as new.


Have you found any of these cleaning shortcuts to be particularly effective? We’d love to hear about the methods that have made a real difference in your cleaning routine – feel free to give it a try and share your top picks with us.

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