19 Ways To Freshen Up Smelly Bathroom

Looking to breathe new life into your bathroom routine? We’ve got the solution! Here’s a comprehensive guide to tackling every nook and cranny of your bathroom, from eliminating lingering odors to keeping things fresh and clean. Whether you’re a self-proclaimed bathroom enthusiast or simply looking for some inspiration to tackle those pesky soap scum stains, these clever hacks are sure to bring a smile to your face.

So go ahead, give them a try, and say goodbye to that never-ending cycle of smells and hello to a bathroom that’s truly spa-like!

Add Essential Oil to Toilet Paper

Add Essential Oil to Toilet Paper

When it comes to boosting morale and creating a welcoming atmosphere in the bathroom, it’s easy to overlook the humble paper toilet roll. However, by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the inner tube of the TP, you can create a refreshing experience for everyone who uses it. As each person reaches for the roll, they’ll be greeted with a subtle yet uplifting hint of freshness.

While this may seem like a small gesture, it can make a big impact on the overall ambiance and morale of your home or office. Feel free to reapply as needed, depending on your personal preferences.

Deodorize Basin Drain

Deodorize Basin Drain

A foul sink odour is one of the most unpleasant sensations. The bacteria that thrive in a dirty sink tend to congregate around the drain, where they can multiply and intensify the stench. Thankfully, this issue is relatively straightforward to resolve and can be tackled at your convenience. I prefer to tackle it at night, as part of my bedtime routine. To do so, I simply pour a moderate amount of baking soda down the drain, followed by a small amount of rubbing alcohol.

Come morning, the sink should be pleasantly fresh, devoid of any lingering odour.

Eliminate Odors with Baking Soda

Eliminate Odors with Baking Soda

When it comes to cleaning, baking soda is often overlooked as a powerful tool in our arsenal. But trust us, it’s a game-changer! By repurposing a small jar and filling it with baking soda, you can create a natural air freshener that not only eliminates odors but also combats bacteria by regulating its pH level. This simple yet effective hack is just one of many ways to harness the cleaning power of baking soda.

For more clever uses, be sure to explore our collection of baking soda cleaning hacks!

Get Rid of Stinky Towels

Get Rid of Stinky Towels

When it comes to maintaining a fresh and hygienic bathroom, one often overlooked culprit is the humble towel. As they absorb water, towels create an ideal environment for bacteria and mold to thrive. In fact, if not completely dried, towels can become breeding grounds for these unwanted microorganisms. To combat this issue, a simple solution involves washing your towels in hot water and incorporating a cup of white vinegar during the second rinse cycle.

This trick will leave your towels feeling fresh and clean, making them an essential part of keeping your bathroom smelling its best.

Use Essential Oil in the Tank

Use Essential Oil in the Tank

When it comes to oft-forgotten areas in your bathroom, one spot that’s easy to overlook is the water tank on your toilet. To give this space a refreshing boost, simply add a few carefully measured drops of your favorite essential oil to the water. The amount you use is entirely up to personal preference – I typically start with two or three drops and adjust based on the scent intensity. This simple trick is also budget-friendly since it only requires a small quantity of oil at a time.

Get Rid of Bathroom Rug Smell with Baking Soda

Get Rid of Bathroom Rug Smell with Baking Soda

While often overlooked, bathroom rugs can be a significant contributor to unpleasant odors. To keep yours fresh, don’t forget to regularly deep clean it, even if it doesn’t receive direct sunlight. The sun’s natural disinfectant properties can help eliminate lingering smells. However, if your rug is in the shade, you’ll need to take other measures. Try sprinkling baking soda evenly across the surface and allowing it to sit overnight.

In the morning, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda and any built-up dirt. If your rug is washable, consider tossing it in the washing machine every now and then to give it an extra thorough cleaning.

Make Your Own Mason Jar Air Freshener

Make Your Own Mason Jar Air Freshener

Create your own air freshener at home using a simple and natural approach. Start by gathering a few basic ingredients: a lidded jar, cotton balls, and your favorite essential oil. To begin, place the cotton balls inside the jar and soak them thoroughly with the essential oil. This DIY air freshener not only eliminates the need for commercial products but also allows you to control the strength and type of fragrance used.

When not in use, simply put the lid back on to preserve the scent and keep it potent for a longer period.

Add Plants

Add Plants

To banish unpleasant odors and create a fresher atmosphere, consider introducing a living plant to your space. Even those without a green thumb can find success with low-maintenance options that require minimal upkeep. Opt for species known to purify the air or release pleasant fragrances naturally. The humidity from your shower will likely provide sufficient moisture, making it easy to keep your new plant thriving.

Add Dish Soap to Toilet

Add Dish Soap to Toilet

When it comes to keeping your toilet bowl fresh, a gentle yet effective soap is crucial. Dawn, for instance, releases a pleasant fragrance after each use, leaving your bathroom smelling clean and inviting. Its mild formula makes it an excellent choice for tackling stains before they set in, ensuring your toilet remains spotless. By sticking with the same soap throughout the cleaning process, you’ll maintain that fresh scent and keep your toilet bowl looking its best.

Mop the Bathroom with Essential Oils

Mop the Bathroom with Essential Oils

If you’re not a fan of harsh chemical-based floor cleaners or prefer a more personalized approach to keeping your home spotless, consider whipping up your own natural floor cleaner. One simple yet effective recipe combines water, witch hazel, and a few drops of your preferred essential oil. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the ratios until you find a scent that suits your taste buds.

Lavender, eucalyptus, or lemon are all great options – just ensure they’re pet-friendly if you have furry friends roaming around, especially if they love lounging in the bathroom. And for an added layer of cleanliness, be sure to check out our collection of easy cleaning hacks.

Use Matches to Get Rid of Bad Odors

Use Matches to Get Rid of Bad Odors

A familiar trick passed down through generations is to use a match to eliminate an unpleasant odour. When we’re caught off guard by a pungent stench, our parents’ generation would often recommend lighting a match. This seemingly simple solution works due to the chemical reaction that occurs when the flame interacts with the airborne molecules of the foul smell. The resulting aroma is significantly less potent, making it an instant relief.

Soak Toilet Brush in Your Favorite Cleaner

Soak Toilet Brush in Your Favorite Cleaner

The oft-overlooked corners of the bathroom are where we typically find our trusty toilet tools, and let’s be honest, they can be quite… unsightly. To tackle this issue head-on, consider implementing a simple yet effective solution: soaking your toilet brush in a gentle cleaner when it’s not in use. This ingenious hack allows you to give your toilet brush a thorough cleaning after each use, ensuring it remains hygienic and free from built-up grime.

Deep Clean the Bathroom

Deep Clean the Bathroom

Maintaining a fresh bathroom doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. By establishing a regular routine, you can prevent the buildup of mold, bacteria, and other unwanted substances that thrive in grimy grout. For those seeking guidance on keeping their bathrooms clean, our blog offers a wealth of information under the cleaning tab. With these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a naturally fresher bathroom for longer.

And if you’re looking to streamline your cleaning process, be sure to check out our collection of lazy girl cleaning hacks!

Use Scented Candles

Use Scented Candles

When it comes to banishing unpleasant odors, one age-old solution stands the test of time: candles. Not only do they provide warm and cozy ambiance, but their smoke also has natural properties that can effectively kill odor-causing bacteria. In particular, scented candles like this one are a game-changer – not only do they eliminate unpleasant smells, but they also release a pleasant aroma into the air.

Use Baby Oil for Faucet

Use Baby Oil for Faucet

Give your bathroom a radiant glow by incorporating baby oil into your cleaning routine. Simply apply it to your faucets and sink basin as needed, allowing its gentle, pleasant aroma to fill the air while you work. As an added bonus, the soft scent will linger even after the water’s running. For more unconventional approaches to keeping your bathroom sparkling, explore these fascinating cleaning tips.

Add Essential Oil to the Bins

Add Essential Oil to the Bins

Ditching the unpleasant odors associated with trash cans is often a necessary evil in daily life. One simple yet effective solution is to incorporate essential oils into the mix. When switching out a new trash bag, take a moment to add a few drops of your preferred scent to the bottom of the bin. This subtle addition can work wonders in neutralizing any pungent aromas that may arise from the contents within.

Use Mouthwash in the Toilet Tank

Use Mouthwash in the Toilet Tank

You might be surprised to learn that this humble mouthwash serves a purpose beyond oral hygiene. Its uses extend far beyond the confines of your mouth! One such benefit is its ability to leave your bathroom smelling refreshingly clean. The next time you’re looking to eliminate unpleasant odors, consider adding ¼ cup of your favorite mouthwash to the back of your toilet tank. This simple trick can work wonders in keeping your bathroom smelling sweet.

Sanitize Toilet Brush with Baking Soda

Sanitize Toilet Brush with Baking Soda

When it comes to keeping your toilet brush fresh and free from unpleasant odors, baking soda is once again a valuable ally. For an all-natural alternative to cleaning your toilet brush, try combining baking soda with rubbing alcohol. Start by pouring the appropriate amount of rubbing alcohol into the basin of the brush’s holster – the quantity will depend on the size of the holder. Next, add two tablespoons of baking soda to the mixture.

The baking soda will absorb any lingering odors, while the rubbing alcohol will help kill bacteria and prevent their growth. Simply replace the solution when it becomes weaker or as needed.

Give Your Toilet a Deep Clean

Give Your Toilet a Deep Clean

In conclusion, one of the most crucial yet unglamorous tasks in bathroom cleaning is undoubtedly the toilet. It’s a job that requires regular attention to maintain hygiene and prevent unpleasant odors. While it may not be the most appealing task, frequent cleaning can significantly reduce its grossness. To optimize the process, I recommend spraying the inside of the bowl with cleaner, allowing it to penetrate and break down any stubborn substances.

This approach enables a more efficient clean and reduces the overall time spent on the task. Working from top to bottom with dry and wet paper towels ensures a thorough cleaning without requiring excessive physical effort. Finally, using the toilet brush to remove any remaining debris is often all that’s needed, eliminating the need for strenuous scrubbing. By incorporating these steps into your cleaning routine, you’ll be able to maintain a clean and fresh bathroom with minimal hassle.

If you’re looking for additional ways to make your home smell amazing, consider exploring the world of natural air fresheners and scented candles.

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