47 Amazing Bullet Journal Ideas You Need To Steal

Staying on top of tasks and goals is just a page away with these innovative bullet journal ideas. By incorporating these creative concepts into your daily routine, you’ll be able to effortlessly manage your time and prioritize what’s important.

The beauty of bullet journals lies in their ability to visually track progress, monitor health habits, record eating routines, and chart exercise milestones.

This powerful tool allows you to stay ahead of the game, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.

If the idea of being in control of your schedule and life excites you, then starting a bullet journal is an absolute must-try! The results are undeniable – with this simple yet effective system, you’ll be amazed at how effortlessly your daily tasks unfold.

47 Bullet Journal Ideas for Some Inspiration

When faced with a creative roadblock or seeking to revitalize your journaling experience, look no further than these innovative prompts that have inspired me. Take the leap, put pen to paper, and witness the transformative power of recording your progress.

A Simple Meal Plan Layout

A Simple Meal Plan Layout

Ready to take control of your diet and develop healthier habits? This simple meal planner can help you do just that. Forgetful about breakfast? No problem! With this easy-to-use tool, all you need to do is jot down what you’re eating whenever you sit down to a meal. The act of writing it down will keep you more mindful and accountable, making it easier to stick to your goals.

Printable Daily Planner

Printable Daily Planner

Eager to start planning your days? You can quickly grab a free daily planner and seamlessly integrate it into your bullet journal! No need to design custom pages if that’s not your thing right now.To get started, simply provide your contact details below and I’ll instantly send you the printable PDF file via email.

Track Your Steps

Track Your Steps

Transforming your daily routine with a DIY step tracker is an excellent way to increase physical activity. By leveraging the data from your smartwatch, you can create a personalized tracker that provides valuable insights into your movement patterns throughout the day.

The visual representation of this data is particularly effective in motivating individuals to reach their step goals, as red indicators signify days where goals haven’t been met, green for those on track, and yellow for exceptionally active days. Experience the benefits of increased fitness firsthand by giving it a try!

Write Down Your Saving Goals

Write Down Your Saving Goals

When the time comes to make a significant purchase, whether it’s a new laptop, car, or funds for travel, consider keeping track of your savings progress. One effective way to do this is by using a bullet journal system. This approach allows you to easily monitor and log your accumulated funds, providing a clear visual representation of your progress towards reaching your financial goal.

Track the Quality of Your Year

Track the Quality of Your Year

If you’re looking to start the new year on a positive note, I recommend adopting a creative visual journaling practice. One effective approach is to use a 365-day template with square spaces, filling each one with a color that reflects your emotional state for that day.

I suggest using warm and bright colors like red, orange, pink, and yellow to represent days that went well, and cooler hues such as blue, dark purple, grey, or other calming colors to symbolize less successful days.

By the end of the year, you’ll have a visual representation of your progress, allowing you to reflect on what worked well and what areas may require improvement.

Track Your Mood, Physical Activity, and Sleep

Track Your Mood, Physical Activity, and Sleep

Tracking the connection between physical activity, sleep, and mood is as simple as creating a bullet journal spread that visually represents this relationship. By recording how these factors impact your emotions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your body’s rhythms and patterns. This exercise not only allows for introspection but also empowers you to make informed choices about your daily habits.

Whether it’s recognizing the energizing effects of a morning workout or identifying the mood-boosting benefits of a good night’s sleep, this practice can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

Not Down What You Can Control

Not Down What You Can Control

While it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our grasp, it’s essential to recognize that many of our anxieties stem from things we simply cannot control. The paradox lies in the fact that, even though we can’t influence these uncontrollable factors, we still stress about them. Why is this so? It’s crucial to differentiate between what we can and can’t control. Take a moment to identify the aspects of your life that you have genuine agency over.

Then, whenever anxiety creeps in, revisit those controllable areas and focus on making progress there. This simple yet powerful exercise can help redirect your energy away from worrying about uncontrollable factors and towards taking constructive action where it matters most.

Log Nutritious Values of Your Food

Log Nutritious Values of Your Food

To successfully shed pounds and tone up, taking charge of your nutrition is crucial. One effective strategy is to track the caloric, protein, carbohydrate, and fat content of every meal. By doing so, you’ll gain valuable insights into your eating habits and make informed decisions about what foods to focus on for weight loss. For instance, if you’re aiming to adopt a low-carb approach, having a clear understanding of your daily intake will empower you to make more intentional choices.

Interested in exploring the benefits of a ketogenic diet? I’ve created a 7-day menu plan replete with nutritional values, which you can access by clicking [here].

Write Down Your Passwords

Write Down Your Passwords

When it comes to managing password complexity, many of us struggle with remembering them. One simple yet effective solution is to write down your passwords and keep your journal in a secure location. This approach can be particularly useful for individuals who frequently switch devices or want to maintain a physical record of their important login credentials.

Label Your Tasks!

Label Your Tasks!

There’s something I’m really enthusiastic about – creating personalized labels for your journal entries. From the get-go, include these labels at the top of each entry. This simple hack allows you to add context to your tasks as you complete them. Often, we might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of ‘work in progress’ items on our lists. But here’s the thing – those tasks are still being worked on, even if they don’t seem like it at first glance.

By incorporating labels into your journaling practice, you can easily identify what’s currently under way and avoid unnecessary stress.

Make Your Own Health Tracker

Make Your Own Health Tracker

Transform your week into a visual reflection of your emotional state by utilizing this bullet journal template. Start by tracking your energy levels, asking yourself what factors might be influencing your mood. Consider the quality of your sleep, as it can have a significant impact on how you feel. By monitoring these connections, you’ll gain valuable insights into how your body responds to different stimuli.

This self-care practice is not only beneficial for your emotional well-being but also provides a unique opportunity for personal growth and self-awareness.

To-Do Lists Don’t Have to Look Boring

To-Do Lists Don’t Have to Look Boring

Investing a bit more effort into crafting a comprehensive to-do list can significantly boost your motivation to tackle those tasks head-on. The key is to make the experience enjoyable, so go ahead and infuse some excitement into your list-making process. Visualize the satisfaction you’ll feel when you complete each task, and let that momentum carry you through even the most mundane or challenging items on your agenda.

Map Out Your Ideal Morning

Map Out Your Ideal Morning

Crafting a fulfilling morning routine can have a profound impact on one’s daily life. By starting the day off on the right foot, individuals can cultivate a sense of control and appreciation for the small joys that often go unnoticed. The key is to identify what works best for you and make it a consistent part of your daily regimen.

So, take some time to reflect on what makes your ideal morning routine. Write it down and commit to following it every day.

It’s the little things that often add up to make the biggest difference in our lives.

Separate Events from Everyday Tasks

Separate Events from Everyday Tasks

When planning and organizing your daily tasks, there are certain essentials that require attention on a consistent basis. To ensure nothing slips through the cracks, be sure to designate a separate column for upcoming events of significance.

Track Your Watched Movies

Track Your Watched Movies

For film enthusiasts, keeping a record of watched movies can be an exciting task. One simple yet effective way to do so is by assigning a rating system using stars. This list not only serves as a fun keepsake but also provides a convenient reference point for revisiting favorite films or discovering new ones. Whether you’re in the habit of re-watching beloved classics or seeking recommendations, having a visual record of your viewing history can be incredibly useful.

Netflix and Chill

Netflix and Chill

To get started on your Netflix marathon, begin by making a personalized tracking plan. Take stock of the series you’ve already watched, noting the number of seasons and how many episodes you’ve completed. This will help you keep tabs on your progress and identify any gaps in your viewing schedule. Additionally, jot down any new premieres that have piqued your interest, so you can stay ahead of the curve and be ready to dive back into your favorite show as soon as it drops.

Track Where You’ve Travelled

Track Where You’ve Travelled

Visualize your travels by creating a map and color-coding the countries or states you’ve visited. This simple yet effective approach helps you track your progress, identify gaps in your itinerary, and plan your next moves. Whether you’re aiming to visit X number of states or countries within a specific timeframe, this technique can be a valuable tool for staying organized and motivated. Share your colorful map with friends and family to inspire their own travel adventures!

Reflect on Your Day and Progress

Reflect on Your Day and Progress

To reflect on your progress and identify areas for improvement, keep a record of your daily accomplishments. Jot down the amount of water you’ve consumed and the greens you’ve included in your diet. Additionally, take time to acknowledge your favorite moments from the day, as well as any achievements or setbacks. Make sure to also log essential tasks that need attention. By doing so, you’ll be able to track your self-growth and productivity over time.

Log How Much You’ve Achieved Today

Log How Much You’ve Achieved Today

For individuals seeking to optimize their productivity, fitness, and nutrition goals, this concise template serves as a valuable tool. Its most significant advantage lies in its ability to facilitate progress tracking. By comparing days and monitoring achievements, users can gain valuable insights into their performance. This feature also enables them to stay accountable and motivated, ultimately helping them make steady progress towards achieving their fitness objectives.

Read More: 15 Desk Organization and Productivity Hacks

Plan Your Blogging Schedule

Plan Your Blogging Schedule

When launching or managing a blog, having a reliable planning tool can be a game-changer. To maximize your writing productivity, I highly recommend using this versatile planner for crafting engaging articles. Simply select a topic, define keywords and key points, and begin drafting with confidence. This planner’s benefits extend beyond blogging, as it also proves useful for students working on essays or any individual looking to structure their thoughts effectively.

By taking the time to outline your ideas beforehand, you’ll be able to approach your writing with clarity and focus. I’d love to hear about your experience using this planner in the comments below!

Journal Your Meals for the Week

Journal Your Meals for the Week

By prioritizing meal planning and preparation, busy individuals can significantly reduce their cooking time, even with large families. Moreover, this approach can also lead to cost savings, as well as promote healthier eating habits. By taking the time to plan out meals for the week, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about your diet, ultimately leading to a more nutritious and balanced lifestyle.

Plan Your Vacation Days

Plan Your Vacation Days

For those who dedicate themselves to their studies or a 9-to-5 routine, holidays are a treasured respite from the daily grind. It’s essential to make a mental note of when your next break is scheduled to occur. By doing so, you’ll be able to effectively plan and prepare for your trip, whether that means purchasing necessary items, booking accommodations, or simply feeling more at ease knowing what lies ahead.

Don’t Forget Affirmations

Don’t Forget Affirmations

While creating to-do lists can be overwhelming, incorporating affirmations nearby can have a profound impact on one’s mental well-being. A simple phrase such as ‘I am strong’ or ‘I am in control of my time’ can work wonders in calming the mind and fostering a sense of confidence. It’s only natural to feel intimidated by an endless list of tasks, but by surrounding ourselves with positive affirmations, we can cultivate a greater sense of calm and assertiveness.

Separate Tasks by Type

Separate Tasks by Type

When juggling multiple responsibilities as a student, such as work, studies, internship, and volunteering, it’s crucial to categorize your tasks by type. This approach enables you to prioritize your activities effectively and allocate your time wisely. By doing so, you can ensure that the most pressing tasks are tackled first, depending on the specific demands of each month.

For instance, during peak exam periods or critical project deadlines, studies might take precedence over other responsibilities. Conversely, when workload is more manageable, other commitments like volunteering or personal projects may assume a higher priority. By separating your tasks into distinct lists, you can maintain control and focus on the most important activities at any given time.

Semester Overview

Semester Overview

As the new semester begins, students are often met with a slew of looming deadlines – exams, tests, and projects that can seem daunting. To stay ahead of the curve, take note of these important dates at the start of the term. Don’t forget to also mark down the holiday breaks, which can provide welcome respites from academic rigor. By keeping track of these milestones, you’ll be motivated to stay focused and driven throughout the semester, ensuring a productive and successful year.

Moon Phases

Moon Phases

As humans, we’ve long been captivated by the mysteries of the celestial world. The allure of the moon and other heavenly bodies holds us in its thrall, beckoning us to reach out and connect with the universe’s vast expanse. In this sense, it’s little wonder that many of us find solace in tracking the lunar cycle, using tools like bullet journals to chart our progress, set goals, and reflect on our experiences at each new moon.

Hobby Tracking

Hobby Tracking

By acknowledging and tracking multiple hobbies, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their interests and allocate time more effectively. The benefits are twofold – reviewing progress allows for adjustments to be made, ensuring that each hobby is given the attention it deserves. Moreover, mirroring the approach used to monitor habits, tracking hobbies fosters an awareness of how different pursuits interact with one another.

This holistic perspective empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their leisure time, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling experience.

Social Media Tracking

Social Media Tracking

By incorporating a social media tracking page into your bullet journal, you can stay organized and on top of your online presence. This feature allows you to log and monitor the content you post, including images, videos, and other multimedia files. Moreover, it enables you to plan and schedule future posts in advance, ensuring consistency and efficiency in your social media management.

Additionally, this tracking page also helps you keep tabs on your followers and the pages you choose to follow, providing valuable insights into your online interactions.

Bill Tracker

Bill Tracker

To maintain financial stability, it’s crucial to stay on top of monthly expenses. By being meticulous with budgeting and finances, you’re likely already tracking your bills. However, even the most organized individuals can fall behind if they don’t prioritize this task.

To ensure a smooth financial journey, consider categorizing your expenditures into distinct columns, including rent, utilities, credit card payments, gas, car loans, personal loans, and recurring subscriptions like Netflix or gym memberships. Be sure to note both the amount due as well as the corresponding due date in each column. This simple yet effective approach will enable you to effortlessly monitor and manage your expenses.

Evening Routine

Evening Routine

While morning routines get plenty of attention for setting a positive tone, it’s equally important to cultivate an evening routine that helps you wind down and prepare for a restful night’s sleep. The first step is to imagine your ideal evening routine on weekdays and weekends, taking into account your unique schedule and preferences. This will give you a clear vision of what you want to achieve each day.

Next, tailor a routine that suits your needs, incorporating activities that bring you relaxation and rejuvenation. The key to success lies not just in creating the routine, but in consistently sticking to it, even on those days when you’re tempted to deviate from the plan.

Compliments Jar

Compliments Jar

There’s something undeniably uplifting about receiving praise, but what happens when we need a boost of motivation from within? Giving ourselves a genuine compliment can be just the thing to lift our spirits and foster a sense of accomplishment. One simple yet effective way to do this is by maintaining a ‘compliment jar’ in your bullet journal. This visual reminder allows you to celebrate small victories, acknowledging even the smallest achievements as opportunities to grow and improve.

Whether you’ve aced a challenging test or had a productive day, make it a habit to recognize and reward yourself for a job well done. By doing so, you’ll cultivate a more positive self-image and develop a greater sense of confidence.

Holiday Gift Ideas

Holiday Gift Ideas

As the holiday season approaches, it’s likely that you’ve already begun planning your gift-giving endeavors. Have you yet to finalize your shopping lists for loved ones? To stay on track and avoid last-minute scrambles, consider incorporating a holiday gift tracker into your bullet journal. This simple tool can help you monitor your progress, schedule shopping trips in advance, and provide a sense of accomplishment as gifts are checked off the list.

Fitness Log

Fitness Log

Incorporating an exercise log into your bullet journal is a simple yet effective way to monitor and manage your fitness goals. This isn’t just about tracking workouts, but also about creating a comprehensive record of every physical activity you engage in. Consider setting up a daily tracker or alternating between weekly and monthly spreads to keep things fresh and exciting.

As you consistently log your exercises over time, you’ll develop a well-rounded routine that will help you stay motivated and on track to achieving your fitness objectives.

Habit Tracker

Habit Tracker

The cornerstone of many bullet journals lies in the habit tracker – a simple yet effective tool for monitoring daily routines. With its versatility and ease of creation, it’s no wonder why this page has become a staple among bullet journalists. By breaking down daily habits into manageable tasks, you can set goals, stay on track, and make lasting changes to your lifestyle.

Whether you’re looking to boost physical activity, cultivate healthy eating habits, or simply remember to water your plants, a habit tracker provides the perfect framework for success.

Book Tracker

Book Tracker

Maintaining a record of the books you’ve read is vital, regardless of whether you’re just starting a new reading habit or are an experienced reader. By tracking your reads, you can optimize your schedule to fit in dedicated time for this enjoyable activity. Additionally, keeping track of your books helps prevent re-reading titles that may have slipped from memory over time.

This thoughtful design featuring a charming bookshelf doodle is a helpful tool to aid in cataloging the books you’ve devoured.



In today’s digital age, it’s become increasingly common for people to subscribe to multiple podcasts. However, this convenience can also lead to a common problem: losing track of which episodes you’ve listened to and where you left off. It’s easy to forget how many episodes are remaining in a series or what the title of the next episode is, making it difficult to plan your listening sessions effectively.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to this issue.

By dedicating a page in your bullet journal to tracking your podcasts, you can easily keep track of which ones you’re currently following, how much progress you’ve made, and what’s still left to listen to.

Favourite Quotes Spread

Favourite Quotes Spread

If you’re familiar with bullet journals, you’ve likely seen quote spreads – visually striking pages filled with inspirational quotes scattered throughout. But what exactly is a quote spread? It’s simply a collection of your favorite quotes, brought to life through creative artwork and design. So why not give it a try? Start by curating a selection of quotes that speak to you, then bring them to life with some artistic flair.

Trust me, when you flip through the pages of your journal years from now, you’ll be thrilled to stumble upon those familiar words – a reminder of the wisdom and inspiration they brought to your daily routine.

Doodle a Day

Doodle a Day

Imagine having a space where creativity flows freely, where each day brings new inspiration to fill its pages. For some, this haven might be a traditional doodle book, while others might find it in their bullet journal through a daily doodle challenge.

The beauty of this practice lies not only in the artwork itself but also in the quiet moments it affords us each day.

Whether you choose to make it a weekly or monthly ritual, the act of doodling can be a powerful way to unwind and express yourself.

So why not give it a try? Let your imagination run wild and see where the journey takes you.

Monthly Important Dates

Monthly Important Dates

Keeping track of important dates, anniversaries, and birthdays is a breeze when you dedicate a single page in your monthly calendar spread. This designated space allows for effortless organization and visibility, making it easier to stay on top of commemorations and celebrations.

While a blank slate provides the perfect canvas for creativity, feel free to add your own artistic flair with doodles or designs that reflect your personal style – perhaps even incorporating a bright pop of color like the juicy lemons featured in this example.

Vocab to Learn

Vocab to Learn

There’s something truly satisfying about expanding one’s vocabulary. Whether it’s through daily doses of word-of-the-day trivia or simply browsing through the pages of a dictionary, learning new words can be a truly enriching experience. But, what takes it to the next level is actually putting those new words into practice by incorporating them into your everyday language.

To make the most of this process, I recommend dedicating a section in your bullet journal to recording and reviewing new words as you learn them.



When our minds are overflowing with creative ideas, new projects, or even just stray thoughts, a brain dump page or two in our bullet journal can be a powerful tool for offloading that mental chatter. By putting our ideas and thoughts into words, we grant ourselves the ability to analyze, categorize, and prioritize the content. This process not only helps us make sense of our inner world but also serves as an affirmation of our ideas.

In many ways, committing our thoughts to paper is a form of manifestation – it sends a signal to our subconscious that these ideas are worth exploring further, and who knows, they might just start taking shape in reality!

30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

I’m convinced that embarking on a 30-day challenge is the gateway to transforming one’s life. The notion that it takes an individual 32 days to establish a habit further solidifies my stance. This concept offers a unique opportunity to re-examine your goals, break down daunting aspirations into achievable milestones, and ultimately, empower yourself to take bold action. In essence, a 30-day challenge is the perfect catalyst for personal growth, so why not give it a try?

Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning Schedule

By incorporating a daily cleaning routine into your busy lifestyle, you’ll discover that you’re no longer sacrificing precious weekend time or dedicating hours every two weeks to deep clean your home. In fact, committing just 10 to 30 minutes each day can yield significant benefits and free up more time for relaxation or personal pursuits. To optimize your cleaning schedule, consider your household’s unique needs and constraints, as well as your own daily routine.

Additionally, embracing the habit of tidying up after yourself every day can be a crucial component of maintaining a clean and organized living space.

Calendar Spread

Calendar Spread

Incorporating a comprehensive calendar spread is a fundamental component of any bullet journal setup. This layout allows users to visualize their month at a glance, facilitating effortless planning and organization. To create this essential spread, dedicate two consecutive pages for each month, beginning with the written dates. Subsequently, fill in key events, anniversaries, and other schedule-related information to create a clear visual representation of your busy life.

Self Care

Self Care

While mental wellness and personal hygiene are fundamental aspects of our overall well-being, self-care is often overlooked yet equally crucial. In reality, a self-care routine can be an amalgamation of both mental health practices and physical pampering. This encompasses individualized regimens for one’s skin, hair, and even post-workout care, as well as daily mindfulness exercises like meditation, morning routines, and creative outlets such as journaling or doodling.

By committing to a self-care practice, you can experience the profound benefits of prioritizing your own needs and witness the harmonious unfolding of your life.

Packing List

Packing List

For frequent travelers, whether for work or leisure, honing the art of packing is a crucial life skill. While expertise may have been gained through experience, there’s still value in having a reliable packing list to double-check every item. This comprehensive checklist should include categories such as clothing and accessories, personal care items like makeup, footwear, travel gear, and other essential travel supplies.

By utilizing a packing list, the risk of forgetting crucial items – think chargers or toothbrushes – is significantly minimized.

Gratitude Log

Gratitude Log

As we near the end of this list, I’d like to emphasize the significance of the gratitude log. This seemingly simple practice can have a profound impact on one’s perspective when committed to regularly. By dedicating a small amount of time each day to recording what you’re thankful for, you’ll be astonished at how quickly your focus shifts towards the positive aspects of your life.

Within just a week or month, you may find yourself surrounded by an abundance of people, experiences, and circumstances that bring joy and fulfillment. The cumulative effect of this daily reflection can lead to a profound transformation in both your mindset and lifestyle, making it well worth incorporating into your routine.


If you enjoyed these unique bullet journal designs, we’d love to hear from you. Share your thoughts and reactions in the comments section below. Additionally, don’t hesitate to contribute by sharing your own custom templates or layouts – it’s a great way to get inspired and connect with fellow creatives!

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