20 Bullet Journal Mental Health Spreads

Mental well-being is a vital aspect of overall wellness. By incorporating these bullet journal spreads into your routine, you can effectively monitor your emotions and feelings, ultimately taking control of your mental health. This holistic approach to self-care enables you to track not only your moods but also daily habits, gaining valuable insights into your weekly and monthly well-being.

To get started, consider investing in a high-quality bullet journal, such as a dotted journal, that allows for creative expression and a sense of accomplishment.

Compliment Keeper

Compliment Keeper

Create a personal celebration space, whether it’s a page in your journal or a digital note-taking app. Label it something empowering like ‘Awesome Achievements’ or ‘Rockstar Moments’. As you go about your day, jot down specific instances where you’ve exceeded your own expectations. This can be as mundane as completing a to-do list on time or as significant as crushing a challenging project at work.

By acknowledging and recording these small victories, you’ll cultivate a sense of accomplishment that will propel you forward in pursuit of bigger goals.

Mini Mood Tracker

Mini Mood Tracker

To prioritize your wellness, start by acknowledging and tracking your daily emotions. A simple yet effective way is to utilize a mood tracker featuring a visual key. If artistic endeavors aren’t your forte, consider using a two-page calendar spread with easily readable boxes or opt for other accessible layouts. Create a key that resonates with you – perhaps simple drawings of faces to represent each mood will bring a smile to your face!

Alternatively, use stickers in various colors to symbolize different emotions, much like the star stickers used here. Ultimately, make the page your own by adding personal touches as desired.

Love Yourself Log

Love Yourself Log

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of self-love. However, recognizing and nurturing our own well-being is crucial for living a positive, fulfilling life. By embracing self-love, we’re not only improving our mental health but also paving the way for deeper connections with others. It all starts with small, intentional acts that show ourselves love and kindness.

A simple afternoon nap, a rejuvenating yoga session, or a moment of meditation can work wonders in boosting our mood and energy levels. By incorporating these self-care practices into our daily routine, we’re cultivating a sense of self-love that permeates every aspect of our lives.

Consider setting aside a ‘self-love jar’ where you can collect small tokens representing each act of kindness or love towards yourself, serving as a visual reminder of your commitment to prioritizing your own well-being.

Gratitude List

Gratitude List

While it’s natural to dwell on our problems when feeling overwhelmed, it’s essential to acknowledge and appreciate the good things in our lives. One way to cultivate gratitude is by using a unique and personalized journaling approach. This innovative layout combines aesthetics with functionality, allowing users to list the things they’re most thankful for each month. The vibrant colors and design options provide an opportunity to express oneself creatively and bring positivity into daily life.

Attack Your Anxiety

Attack Your Anxiety

For millions of people, anxiety is a daily struggle that can manifest in intense anxiety attacks. During these episodes, individuals often experience overwhelming emotions, feelings of fear and loss of control. To combat this, consider dedicating a page or spread in your bullet journal to your personal anxiety management strategies. This visual reminder can help you quickly access and review techniques like grounding and other therapeutic methods when you need them most.

By incorporating calming colors and favorite images into these pages, you’ll create a sense of serenity that can be easily revisited during moments of panic or distress. Additionally, exploring mood tracking tools can provide valuable insights into your emotional patterns, ultimately empowering you to better understand and manage your emotions.

Today is a Good Day

Today is a Good Day

For many people, crafting their ideal day involves a combination of personal preferences and self-care habits. Perhaps it begins with a steaming cup of their go-to coffee or a specific morning routine that sets the tone for the rest of the day. Others might prioritize relaxation techniques, like meditation or yoga, to calm their minds and prepare for the challenges ahead. Meanwhile, some individuals may find solace in creative pursuits, such as writing, painting, or playing music.

Whatever your perfect day looks like, it’s crucial to focus on the positive aspects that bring joy and fulfillment, allowing you to approach each new day with enthusiasm and optimism.

Tracking Triggers

Tracking Triggers

When navigating chronic health conditions or managing daily moods, it’s crucial to identify the underlying triggers. Perhaps you’re sensitive to certain allergens or experience recurring pain. Whatever your specific challenge may be, a journaling practice can help you chart your symptoms and uncover patterns. By mapping out the correlation between triggers and outcomes, you’ll gain valuable insight into what sets off your symptoms each month.

This awareness empowers you to proactively avoid or mitigate troublesome stimuli, leading to improved overall well-being – regardless of whether you’re dealing with a mental or physical health concern.

Helpful Habits

Helpful Habits

With countless habit tracking bullet journal layouts available, it’s easy to get started with journaling. For those new to journaling, a simple layout like the one pictured can be a great way to begin. To make it even easier, consider using a grid journal that allows you to create squares and track your habits in calendar form. This approach is particularly useful for starting or breaking new habits – whether that’s exercising regularly, prioritizing healthy eating, or simply getting more sleep.

Alternatively, you can use your habit tracker to identify areas where you’d like to make positive changes, such as reducing unnecessary spending or cultivating gratitude. To add a personal touch to your page, grab some colorful markers and doodle your way to a unique and reflective space.

Self-Care Spread

Self-Care Spread

To prioritize your overall well-being, it’s essential to cultivate a balance between physical and mental self-care. This might involve making simple adjustments to your daily routine, such as catching up on extra sleep or opting out of evening commitments in favor of a relaxing night in at home.

In addition to these physical practices, consider incorporating mental self-care by setting boundaries around work hours or dedicating time to activities that bring you joy, like reading a book or exploring creative pursuits. One effective way to integrate self-care into your daily life is by creating a visual representation of your goals and motivations.

Try compiling a collection of inspiring images or drawings that resonate with you, and then create a weekly schedule where each day’s box can be checked off as you complete self-care activities. Your objective is to maintain this practice consistently, ideally devoting time to self-care every day.

Watercolor Brush Bujo

Watercolor Brush Bujo

Many people enjoy personalizing their bullet journals by using Tombow watercolor brushes. These artistic additions can elevate even the most basic pages into stunning works of art. For instance, a trigger tracker can be designed to monitor fibromyalgia symptoms and identify triggers that lead to flares – a valuable tool for anyone managing chronic illnesses or mental health conditions like anxiety.

The beauty of using watercolors lies not only in their aesthetic appeal but also in the therapeutic benefits they provide. Even those without formal artistic training can find solace in painting, as it allows them to express themselves freely without worrying about impressing others. Ultimately, bullet journaling is a personal experience, and the joy comes from the creative process itself, rather than the final product.

Healing Health

Healing Health

When life gets overwhelming, it’s essential to prioritize mental wellness. This straightforward list format provides a starting point for enhancing mental health on those challenging days. Whether you’re looking to unwind with a relaxing soak in a bubble bath, take a stroll outdoors, or express yourself through creative activities like crafting, make a note of your preferred stress-relief strategies in this mental health first aid kit template.

To add a personal touch, why not incorporate some vibrant colors into the mix? The author suggests using Tombow markers, renowned for their stunning hues and playful usability. Feel free to select your favorite shades, pair them with an uplifting quote, or create a beautiful illustration that brings a smile to your face.

A Habit of Gratitude

A Habit of Gratitude

While it’s all too easy to fall into a cycle of negativity, 2020 is the perfect opportunity to shift our focus towards the positive aspects of life. It’s time to make a conscious effort to acknowledge and celebrate the little things that bring us joy. One way to do this is by creating a two-page spread for each month, filled with colorful drawings and doodles on one side, accompanied by a list of everything you’re grateful for on the other.

This can include small pleasures like a lovely lunch with family or friends, as well as significant accomplishments like a new job or home. By doing so, we can cultivate a more optimistic outlook and prioritize our mental well-being.

Your Majesty

Your Majesty

As the queen of your own domain, it’s time to start treating yourself with the regality you deserve. Why settle for anything less than exceptional when you can create a sanctuary that reflects your inner majesty? This delightful layout showcases patterned washi tape as a creative way to add visual flair to your self-care pages. The decorative edging invites you to fill in the boxes with personal affirmations, reminders, and intentions to nurture your body, mind, and heart.

From indulging in healthy habits to practicing digital detox, make this space your own by incorporating meaningful doodles and vibrant colors using Koi coloring brush pens.

Mindfulness Moments

Mindfulness Moments

Integrating mindfulness into mental health wellness is crucial for cultivating a fulfilling daily life. To achieve this, it’s essential to focus on your habits, activities, and identify areas for improvement. One effective way to do this is by devoting a dedicated space to mindfulness practices. This can be as simple as creating a visual journal or scrapbook where you record your favorite mindfulness exercises and quotes that inspire you.

Make sure the layout is visually appealing, using vibrant colors and clear headings to make it easy to reference. Include a list of activities that bring you joy and help you cultivate positive experiences, such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. This thoughtful approach will not only enhance your mental well-being but also serve as a valuable reminder of the small steps you can take each day to prioritize your happiness.

Anxiety Layout

Anxiety Layout

Identifying the root causes of anxiety can be a powerful tool in reducing overall stress levels. One effective way to do this is by maintaining an ‘anxiety journal’ that tracks key factors contributing to your panic attacks. Each entry should include the date, your emotional state at the time (e. g., feeling anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed), and any specific events or stimuli that triggered your anxiety response.

By reflecting on these patterns, you may uncover common themes or triggers that can be addressed through targeted self-care strategies. As you explore different coping mechanisms, be sure to incorporate activities that bring you joy and calmness, such as coloring with watercolors, markers, or stickers, which can have a profound impact on your mental well-being.

Colorful Calm

Colorful Calm

As an anxiety-relief strategy, doodling injects depth into this layout by allowing you to creatively express the ways you cope with nervousness. For instance, you could illustrate your favorite calming activities, such as listening to music or taking a stroll outside on a sunny day. This visual representation can serve as a gentle reminder of the things that help you unwind when feelings of anxiety start to creep in.

On the next page, divide the space into sections representing different aspects of self-care, including your physical well-being, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual nourishment. Expand on these lists by incorporating specific details or habits that contribute to each area’s wellness. These detailed lists can serve as a reliable reference point when you’re feeling overwhelmed, providing a sense of control and comfort.

Additionally, the varied colors used in your doodles can be a calming balm for a tough day, offering a visual respite from anxious thoughts.

Depression Data

Depression Data

When managing a mood disorder, it’s essential to understand what triggers anxiety and depression. One effective way to do this is by tracking daily habits and moods using visual aids. A simple chart with color-coded squares for each activity or mood can be incredibly insightful. By seeing patterns emerge, you can identify the underlying causes of your symptoms and make informed decisions about how to manage them.

This approach becomes even more powerful when combined with other habit trackers, such as spending and health habits. With this comprehensive view, you’ll be better equipped to develop personalized strategies for maintaining mental well-being.

Positive Pens

Positive Pens

Transforming gratitude into a visual reflection can be a powerful tool for shifting your perspective. Instead of simply making a list, try creating a colorful representation of the things in your life that bring you joy. Imagine each pen stroke as a symbol of something you’re thankful for – it could be a person, an experience, or even a small pleasure like a good cup of coffee. The beauty lies in its flexibility; add to it daily, weekly, or whenever inspiration strikes.

When the clouds of negativity gather and your mood begins to dip, take a step back and reflect on the abundance that surrounds you. Seeing the colors come alive can be a potent reminder that there’s always something to be thankful for.

Panic Response

Panic Response

By recognizing the patterns of what helps you cope with panic and anxiety, you can take control of your well-being. Start by keeping a journal or log to identify the strategies that consistently alleviate your symptoms when you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed. This might include creative pursuits, social connections, or other personal habits that bring you comfort.

To further empower yourself, create a double-page spread with two lists: one for the positive effects of these habits on your mental health, and another for crisis-mode coping mechanisms. When you’re in the midst of a panic attack, having this information readily available can be a lifesaver. The first list might include techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or grounding methods to help calm your mind and body during times of distress.

On the opposite page, jot down quick tips for managing these moments, such as focusing on your five senses, visualizing a peaceful scene, or practicing progressive muscle relaxation. By taking this proactive approach, you’ll be better equipped to manage panic and anxiety attacks in the future, ultimately leading to a greater sense of empowerment and control over your mental health.

Happy Hints

Happy Hints

Sometimes, we all need a visual pick-me-up to shift our mood and energy. One simple yet powerful way to do this is by filling blank pages or grid pages with illustrations that evoke positive emotions. Think about things that bring you joy, like sunshine, water, or the small victories in life. The key is to focus on what uplifts and nourishes your mind and body. And let’s not forget the therapeutic benefits of color!

Bright hues have been shown to have a calming effect, helping to soothe any mental fogginess. By incorporating these elements into your doodles, you can create a visual representation of positivity and fulfillment that you can refer back to whenever you need it.


Have you found inspiration in the creative world of bullet journals? As you navigate through these unique layouts, which ones have caught your attention, and which mental wellness spreads do you plan on exploring further?

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