21 Game-Changing Deep Cleaning Hacks

With the busy lives we lead, it’s easy to let household chores fall by the wayside. However, maintaining a hygienic and fresh-smelling home doesn’t have to be time-consuming or break the bank. By leveraging everyday products in creative ways, you can keep your home sparkling clean with minimal effort.

Remove Stains from the Wall with a Damp Sponge and Baking Soda

Remove Stains from the Wall with a Damp Sponge and Baking Soda

The telltale signs of wear and tear on your walls – stains caused by kids, pets, or everyday accidents – can quickly make your home feel neglected and in need of a facelift. But before you reach for the paintbrushes, consider a more low-maintenance solution: using a damp sponge and baking soda to banish those unsightly marks.

The process is surprisingly straightforward: simply wet the sponge, wring it out, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto its surface, and then wipe the stain away with ease.

Place a Tennis Ball into the Dryer to Dry Clothes Faster

Place a Tennis Ball into the Dryer to Dry Clothes Faster

Are you ready to serve up some innovative laundry techniques? A clever hack involves using a tennis ball within the dryer to expedite the drying process. I was intrigued by the science behind this method, so I dug deeper –

It turns out that as the tennis ball bounces around, it not only breaks apart stubborn clumps of wet clothing but also creates air pockets that allow for greater airflow and hasten the drying process.

Clean Makeup Sponges with Makeup Remover

Clean Makeup Sponges with Makeup Remover

When it comes to dirty makeup sponges, don’t resort to simply discarding them. Instead, utilize a simple yet effective cleaning hack to get them sparkling like new again. Start by placing the sponges into a small ziplock bag and adding a modest amount of liquid makeup remover. Seal the bag and squeeze the contents together, ensuring each sponge is thoroughly saturated with the remover.

Next, remove the sponges from the bag and rinse each one under running water to wash away any remaining impurities. With this easy technique, you can breathe new life into your used makeup sponges, saving you money in the long run and reducing waste in the process.

Place Cotton Balls with Essential Oil into Your Smelly Shoes

Place Cotton Balls with Essential Oil into Your Smelly Shoes

When unpleasant odors start to emanate from our sports, school, or walking shoes, it’s time to take action. A clever trick involves using cotton balls and essential oils in tandem to neutralize the stinky situation. Simply soak a cotton ball with a few drops of your preferred essential oil – choose from a variety like lavender, tea tree, or peppermint – and tuck it discreetly into the shoe.

As you go about your day, the cotton ball will work its magic, absorbing the odor molecules and leaving your footwear smelling fresh and clean.

Dry Your Shoes in the Dryer with Laces Hung Over the Door

Dry Your Shoes in the Dryer with Laces Hung Over the Door

When I first tried drying shoes in a dryer, my initial attempt was more of a catastrophic failure than a successful hack. In fact, I almost ended up with a pair of ruined shoes and a damaged appliance! But don’t worry, I’ve since learned the secret to avoiding this type of tumbling trouble. It’s surprisingly simple: just hang the shoe laces over the dryer door before closing it.

This clever trick keeps your shoes safely in place while ensuring the dryer remains undisturbed, free from any potential mishaps.

Prevent Fingerprints from Being Left on the Phone by Wiping it with: Hot Water, 1 tsp Dishwashing Liquids and 1 tsp of Dishwasher Rinse

Prevent Fingerprints from Being Left on the Phone by Wiping it with: Hot Water, 1 tsp Dishwashing Liquids and 1 tsp of Dishwasher Rinse

Say goodbye to grimy fingerprints on your selfies! A simple deep cleaning hack can make all the difference. Fill a small spray bottle with hot water, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, and 1 teaspoon of dishwasher rinse aid. Shake well to combine the ingredients. Next, spray a small amount of the solution onto a soft yellow dusting cloth and gently wipe down the screen. You’ll be amazed at how this hack can leave your screen looking like new!

Clean Wooden Spoons with Hot Water and Vinegar

Clean Wooden Spoons with Hot Water and Vinegar

When it comes to wooden spoons, cleanliness is crucial. The problem is that they have a tendency to collect dirt, grime, and germs – not exactly what you want in your kitchen. But fear not, because I’ve got a game-changing cleaning hack that can sterilize them in no time.

To start, fill a small but deep plastic tub with hot water and add one tablespoon of vinegar.

Then, submerge your wooden spoons in the solution for a few minutes, making sure to flip them around to ensure the handles are also getting cleaned.

Once they’ve had their soak, it’s time to rinse them under running water to remove any lingering residue. Finally, place the clean spoons onto a clean cloth and let them air dry – voila! Your wooden spoons are now sparkling clean and ready for their next use.

Add Essential Oil to the Hoover Filter to Remove the Unpleasant Smell

Add Essential Oil to the Hoover Filter to Remove the Unpleasant Smell

As you Hoover for hours on end, it’s disheartening to discover that despite your best efforts, your home still doesn’t quite smell fresh and clean. A significant contributor to this issue is the unpleasant odor emanating from the filter itself. However, there’s a simple yet effective solution to combat this problem – incorporate a few drops of your preferred essential oils directly into the filter.

This clever hack will not only eliminate any lingering bad smells but also leave your home filled with a soothing and calming aroma that lingers long after you’ve finished vacuuming.

Place Vinegar into the Dishwasher to Remove Water Stains

Place Vinegar into the Dishwasher to Remove Water Stains

A lesser-known benefit of vinegar is its ability to effectively clean and remove stubborn stains from your dishes. To harness this power, simply place a small plastic jug in the top tray of your dishwasher, filling it with equal parts water and vinegar. Run your regular wash cycle as you normally would, allowing the acidic properties of the vinegar to break down and dissolve mineral deposits and hard water stains.

This natural solution will leave your dishes spotless and sparkling, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals or specialized cleaners.

Make an all Purpose Cleaner with Dishwashing Liquid and Baking Soda

Make an all Purpose Cleaner with Dishwashing Liquid and Baking Soda

Make cleaning more budget-friendly by combining two common household items – dishwashing liquid and baking soda! This simple hack creates an effective all-purpose cleaner that won’t break the bank. To make it, mix equal parts of both ingredients in a small bowl and stir well with a wooden spoon until you get a smooth consistency. Then, apply the mixture to a sponge and use it to tackle everyday messes like dust, dirt, and grime.

Remove Limescale from Vases with Vinegar and Salt

Remove Limescale from Vases with Vinegar and Salt

Give your glass vases a fresh new look by banishing unsightly limescale buildup with a simple yet effective hack. Start by filling a small spray bottle halfway with white vinegar. Next, soak a sponge in raw salt until it’s generously saturated. Then, use the sponge to scour the inside of the vase, letting the acidic power of the vinegar and the abrasive nature of the salt work together to dissolve even the toughest limescale deposits.

Once you’ve removed all the stubborn buildup, simply rinse your vase with warm water and marvel at its sparkling clean transformation.

Use Toothpaste to Clean Jewelry

Use Toothpaste to Clean Jewelry

For a sparkling shine on your jewelry collection, try using toothpaste as a gentle yet effective cleaner. Simply apply a small amount to a soft cloth and softly rub your chains, bracelets, earrings, and rings. This simple trick eliminates the need for pricey jewelry cleaners, leaving your accessories looking like new.

Clean Your Blender by Blending Soap and Water

Clean Your Blender by Blending Soap and Water

Elevate your blender cleaning routine with this game-changing hack! By combining two simple steps, you can transform your appliance into a self-cleaning machine. First, fill the blender to about half-full with warm water and add one teaspoon of mild liquid soap. Next, blend the mixture on high speed for a full 60 seconds, allowing the blades to scrape away any stubborn residue and debris.

Once the cycle is complete, carefully pour out the soapy water and rinse your blender thoroughly under running fresh water. With this quick and easy technique, you’ll be left with a sparkling clean blender that’s ready to tackle your next meal prep or smoothie-making endeavor.

Remove Hard Water Stains from the Cooktop with Vinegar

Remove Hard Water Stains from the Cooktop with Vinegar

Revive your cooktop’s former glory with a simple yet effective cleaning hack involving vinegar. Who can forget the sparkling surface of their new cooktop when first installed? With this trick, you can easily restore its original shine. To get started, liberally spray vinegar onto the cooktop and let it sit for a few minutes to allow the solution to penetrate any tough stains.

Next, use a soft yellow dust cloth to gently wipe away the grime, effectively removing even the most stubborn residue, including hard water stains, grease, fat, fingerprints, and other imperfections, leaving your cooktop looking like new again.

Use a Sock with Rice and Essential Oil to Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh

Use a Sock with Rice and Essential Oil to Keep Clothes Smelling Fresh

Revolutionize your laundry routine with this surprising deep cleaning hack! By transforming an old sock into a natural odor absorber, you can banish musty smells from your wardrobe. Simply fill the sock with dried rice grains, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils, and tie it off. Then, tuck the sock between your clothes to absorb any lingering odors, leaving them smelling sweet and fresh.

Clean the Washing Machine by Placing a Cloth Between the Rubber and the Drum

Clean the Washing Machine by Placing a Cloth Between the Rubber and the Drum

While attention is often focused on the exterior of a washing machine, an equally important area that’s frequently overlooked is the space between the rubber seal and the drum. This region is prone to moisture buildup, which can foster the growth of mold. To thoroughly clean this area, insert a soft cloth into the gap between the rubber and the drum, then rotate the drum by hand to dislodge any trapped dirt and soap residue.

Don’t forget to lift the rubber seal and also clean the interior surface of the gap, ensuring that no dirt or debris is left behind.

Easily Clean the Microwave with a Bowl of Water and Lemon Juice

Easily Clean the Microwave with a Bowl of Water and Lemon Juice

Unbeknownst to me, my microwave struggles stemmed from an outdated cleaning routine. That was until I stumbled upon this clever trick: combining water and lemon juice to create a potent cleaning solution. To put it into action, simply fill a microwave-safe bowl with water, add a few drops of fresh lemon juice, and place it inside the appliance. Set the microwave to high for approximately 5 minutes or until the water reaches a boil.

The resulting steam effortlessly breaks down food splatters and grime, allowing for effortless wiping away. As an added bonus, the citrusy aroma left behind is a refreshing alternative to harsh chemicals.

Disinfect the Cutting Board with Hydrogen Peroxide

Disinfect the Cutting Board with Hydrogen Peroxide

When it comes to maintaining a sanitary kitchen environment, it’s crucial to keep your cutting boards free from germs and bacteria. One effective method is to utilize food-grade hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant. To do this, simply spray the board with the solution and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Afterward, thoroughly rinse the surface under running water.

Hydrogen peroxide is particularly useful in its ability to effectively destroy a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Clean Earbuds with a Q-Tip

Clean Earbuds with a Q-Tip

When it comes to maintaining ear health, one often overlooked aspect is the cleanliness of earbuds. Dirty earbuds can indeed contribute to unwanted ear infections. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution: using Q-tips to give your earbuds a thorough cleaning. To do this, simply dip a Q-tip in alcohol and use it to gently reach into the tiny crevices inside the earbuds. Don’t forget to extend your cleaning routine to the exterior of the earbuds as well as their storage case.

Clean Your Sink with Baking Soda

Clean Your Sink with Baking Soda

The unsavory assortment of unwanted substances that kitchen sinks are prone to collecting can be effortlessly removed with a simple yet effective two-ingredient solution. To begin, pour approximately half a cup of regular baking soda into the drain, followed by an equal amount of white vinegar. As the mixture reacts, it will create a fizzy concoction that helps to dislodge and dissolve any minor blockages or debris that may be lurking within the pipes.

Next, use a sponge to gently clean around the drain and filter, allowing fresh water to flow into the sink for several minutes before finishing up.

Disinfect Your Keyboard wit Rubbing Alcohol

Disinfect Your Keyboard wit Rubbing Alcohol

Unleash the power of deep cleaning on your keyboard, where it’s often said that more germs reside than on toilet seats – a notion that’s hardly appealing! To give your keyboard a thorough sanitizing, begin by turning off your computer. Next, take a soft sponge and moisten it with rubbing alcohol. Then, gently wipe down the keyboard and surrounding surfaces to eliminate bacteria, germs, and grime, as well as any lingering oils.

Watch: Deep Cleaning Hacks in Action

Watch: Deep Cleaning Hacks in Action

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