21 Genius Life Hacks For Students

21 Genius Life Hacks for Students
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Whether you’re a student or a parent looking for clever solutions to simplify life, these 20 genius life hacks are specifically designed to help students thrive. From time-saving study tips to organization strategies that reduce stress and boost productivity, we’ve curated a collection of actionable advice to elevate your academic journey. Not only will these hacks save you hours, but they’ll also provide valuable skills that set you up for long-term success.

If you’d like to dive deeper into any of these hacks, check out my YouTube page where I provide detailed explanations: [link]. Let me know which hacks are most useful to you and feel free to share your own favorite student tips and tricks! Now, let’s dive into the hacks.

Easily Recognise Your Notebooks

Easily Recognise Your Notebooks

By adding distinct color accents to your notebooks’ corners, you can create a visual signature that makes them easily identifiable. Opt for vibrant contrasting hues to simplify the search process. Additionally, consider purchasing supplies in coordinating colors when stocking up on new materials. This thoughtful approach helps eliminate any uncertainty about what materials belong to which subject or lesson.

Make Your Own Bookmark

Make Your Own Bookmark

Crafting a magnetic bookmark is an effortless process. Start by securing adhesive magnets on both ends of a strip, ensuring they’re evenly aligned and firmly attached. This clever hack allows your bookmark to securely fasten onto the pages of your book, effortlessly keeping track of your place with flair and practicality. To further solidify the magnets’ grip, consider adding additional reinforcement in the form of strong tape, guaranteeing your bookmarks remain stuck in place.

Set An Alarm For Each Task

Set An Alarm For Each Task

Staying organized is crucial to achieving your daily goals. One effective way to do this is by setting reminders and alarms for each task. This simple habit helps you stay on schedule, switch gears seamlessly, take breaks when needed, and even start new projects with confidence. By having these timed cues, you’ll be able to power through your day with ease, just like a well-oiled machine.

And when faced with more challenging tasks, having a DIY stress ball nearby can provide the necessary relief to stay focused and productive.

Keep Papers Together

Keep Papers Together

When dealing with papers or homework, a simple yet effective technique can be employed to eliminate the need for paperclips. By using an Exacto knife, you can create a makeshift clip that is both functional and eco-friendly. To achieve this, start by cutting a precise angle at the top left corner of your paper, allowing it to form a natural tab. Next, fold the tab under the rest of the paper and gently pull it through to secure the document in place.

I’m particularly fond of Exacto knives that come with refillable options, making them an even more practical choice.

Create A To-Do List With Post-Its

Create A To-Do List With Post-Its

Staying organized doesn’t have to be complicated. A simple yet visual approach is to create a to-do list using Post-its. This method allows you to jot down tasks on individual notes, stick them on a surface, and effortlessly rearrange or remove them as each task is completed. The tactile experience of peeling off a finished task, combined with the vibrant colors, turns your post-it to-do list into an engaging and effective tool for boosting productivity.

To take it a step further, consider color-coding your tasks, grouping personal, academic, and random projects together. With this easy-to-use system, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can tackle even the most daunting task lists. Plus, there are plenty of other practical life hacks waiting to be discovered!

Easily Create A Cell Phone Stand

Easily Create A Cell Phone Stand

When working on-the-go with your phone, you know how frustrating it can be to try and find a stable spot to prop it up. But what if I told you there’s a simple solution that requires no additional equipment or purchase? It’s as easy as bending a paperclip into a makeshift phone stand! To create this DIY marvel, simply bend the inner part of the clip forward to form the base, and then flip the tail end upwards to secure your phone in place.

With this clever hack, you’ll never have to worry about your phone slipping or falling again. And if you’re interested in exploring more creative solutions for keeping your phone steady, check out our latest DIY project on creating a one-of-a-kind phone holder!

Make Your Pen Work as New

When dealing with a favourite pen that’s been suffering from dryness, consider disassembling the pen to access the ink cartridge. Next, take a blow dryer and gently warm up the cartridge without directly blowing onto any delicate parts. This gentle heat helps loosen dried-out components within the ink reservoir. Once the cartridge has reached an optimal temperature, you should be able to reassemble the pen and enjoy normal writing performance once again.

Keep Your Stationary Drawer Tidy

Keep Your Stationary Drawer Tidy

While student drawers may not always be chaotic, they can rapidly deteriorate in the absence of designated storage spaces for each item. To avoid this issue, consider investing in an effective organizational system that offers various solutions to keep your belongings tidy and easily accessible.

Keep Water And Snacks On Hand

Keep Water And Snacks On Hand

Maintaining a stash of snacks near your workspace is a savvy strategy to minimize distractions. By having your go-to treats within arm’s reach, you can swiftly curb cravings and replenish energy without breaking stride or venturing too far from your task. This simple yet effective approach enables you to stay focused on the job at hand, ultimately fostering greater productivity and sustained energy levels throughout the day.

No More Losing The Highlighter Cap

No More Losing The Highlighter Cap

Say goodbye to lost highlighter caps forever! A simple yet effective hack is to hot glue two small pearls – one at the bottom of the pen and another on the cap (same side). Next, attach a ribbon to these glue pearls and let it dry. This ingenious solution has saved countless highlighters from disappearing into the abyss of your bag or desk drawer, making them easy to spot and retrieve when you need them.

Keep Your Cellphone Away When Going To Sleep

Keep Your Cellphone Away When Going To Sleep

Establishing a consistent routine from the get-go can be beneficial for both students and educators alike. One simple yet effective habit to cultivate is designating a specific spot for your phone, keeping it at a safe distance from your bed. This deliberate decision can significantly improve sleep quality by reducing the temptation to engage in late-night scrolling and promote healthier bedtime habits.

Make Your Bed Before Breakfast

Make Your Bed Before Breakfast

The simple act of making your bed before breakfast has a profound impact on setting a positive tone for the rest of the day. By accomplishing this small task, you’re instilling a sense of order and tidiness that can spread to other areas of your life. As you start your morning, you’ll be greeted by a cozy and inviting environment that’s conducive to productivity. Moreover, making your bed can have a ripple effect, motivating you to tackle other tasks with renewed energy and purpose.

And let’s not forget the sweet satisfaction of slipping into a freshly made bed at the end of a long day, knowing that it’s been crafted with care and attention.

Set The Flight Mode While Studying

Set The Flight Mode While Studying

When it comes to studying, minimizing distractions is key. One simple yet effective way to achieve this is by setting your phone’s flight mode while you’re in the midst of learning. This feature allows you to completely disconnect from social media, calls, and messages, giving you the mental clarity and focus you need to absorb information without interruptions.

By doing so, you’ll be able to maintain a laser-like concentration, ultimately leading to improved productivity and a more efficient study session. If you find it difficult to resist the temptation of your phone, consider implementing a reward system for yourself – this can help motivate you to stay on track and make progress in your studies.

Schedule Your Tasks

Schedule Your Tasks

Centralized task management on computer programs offers a streamlined approach to handling your workload. By integrating reminders, notifications, and visual timelines, these tools empower you to prioritize tasks efficiently. This organized formatting allows for a clear view of your day, week, or month, making planning less daunting overall. Whether it’s a specialized application or even a simple Excel document, choose the method that best suits your needs or those of your students.

Use Rubberband As Eraser

Use Rubberband As Eraser

When you’re in a bind and need to erase a mistake quickly, a rubber band can be a clever substitute for an actual eraser. To use it effectively, wrap the band tightly around the end of your pencil and gently rub away any unwanted marks. The rubber band’s unique combination of friction and elasticity allows it to efficiently remove graphite from paper, making it a handy improvised solution.

In fact, I often include some in my kids’ school supplies because of its simplicity and effectiveness – it’s a small addition that can make a big difference in their daily note-taking routine.

Use A Paper Clip To Draw A Circle

Use A Paper Clip To Draw A Circle

When you need to draw a circle, don’t reach for a traditional protractor – instead, grab a humble paper clip! This unconventional tool can be surprisingly effective, especially when working with smaller circles. To get started, hold a second pen or pencil as an anchor at one end of the paper clip and use the other end as a guide to draw your circle. Having a pack of paper clips like this one on hand – offering various sizing options – can also come in handy.

Use The Pomodoro Technique

Use The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro method is a tried-and-true time management technique that’s been helping people stay focused and productive for years. At its core, it involves working in 25-minute increments, followed by short or longer breaks. This structured approach can be particularly effective when used in conjunction with apps like pomodoro. io, which provide a convenient platform for tracking your progress and staying on track.

By incorporating the Pomodoro method into your daily routine, you may find that you’re better able to manage your workload, overcome procrastination, and achieve a more satisfying balance between your work and personal life.

Erase Highlighter With Lemon Juice

Erase Highlighter With Lemon Juice

When we inadvertently overhighlight our hair, it’s a common mistake that can be frustrating to correct. However, there is a simple solution to undo the damage: use lemon juice. To do this, simply moisten a cotton swab with a light application of lemon juice and gently dab the affected areas. You don’t need any specialized products or equipment – just a regular Q-tip will suffice.

If you want to make the process even more convenient, consider purchasing one of those fun-to-go packs that allow you to pre-soak multiple Q-tips in lemon juice at once. This way, you can have them ready to use whenever you need to correct an overhighlighting mistake.

Heat More Things At Once In The Microwave

Heat More Things At Once In The Microwave

For those in need of a quick fix, whether it’s a university student or simply someone with a ravenous appetite, this hack is a game-changer! By utilizing a mug or glass to create an additional surface within the microwave, you can instantly increase available space. This clever trick not only benefits students but also anyone looking for a time-saving solution or seeking to prepare healthier meals in a hurry.

Try Passive Cooking

Try Passive Cooking

For students with packed schedules, passive cooking is a game-changer. This low-maintenance approach allows you to prepare delectable meals without dedicating hours to the stovetop or oven. By employing this method, you can reap the rewards of delicious cuisine while minimizing your hands-on involvement, as ingredients simmer and meld together over time. With minimal effort required during prep and cooking, passive cooking is an ideal solution for those seeking a stress-free culinary experience.

Keep Your Budget

Keep Your Budget

To achieve financial stability and make informed decisions about one’s money, it is essential for students to track and maintain a budget. This process enables you to monitor your expenses, prioritize spending, and avoid overspending. By categorizing major expenses into necessities, wants, and savings, you can develop effective habits and create a solid foundation for your financial future.

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