31 Ultimate Outdoor Games For Teenagers

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of playing outdoor games with teenagers – it’s a surefire way to make any party or weekend more enjoyable and create lifelong memories. The key is finding games that are not only fun but also creative, which can be harder than it seems. In today’s digital age, many kids are glued to their screens, preferring to spend hours watching TV or playing video games rather than exploring the great outdoors.

However, with a little creativity and parental involvement, you can encourage your teenagers to put down their gadgets and get outside. The payoff is worth it – once they experience the thrill of playing outdoor games, they’ll be hooked and begging for more. To help inspire you, we’ve got some top-notch outdoor game ideas that are sure to impress.

Marco Polo

Marco Polo

In an effort to encourage kids to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, Marco polo has become a beloved game among children. While it’s simple to learn and play, one requirement is that you need a group of friends to participate with you. To set the scene for this exciting outdoor activity, one player takes on the role of ‘Marco,’ while the others become known as ‘Polo.’ As Marco begins counting to 10, the Polo kids scatter to find hiding spots.

Once Marco has finished counting, he sets out to track down the Polo kids, relying solely on their shouts to guide him through the game. Every time he needs a little help finding his way, Marco calls out his iconic ‘Marco’ shout, prompting the Polo kids to respond with a loud ‘Polo!’



Dodgeball, a beloved high school recreation, has captured the hearts of children across various age groups. This classic outdoor game is not only an entertaining way to spend time with friends, but it also fosters a range of valuable physical and mental skills. By participating in dodgeball, kids can develop agility, quick thinking, and endurance, making it an excellent activity for promoting overall well-being.

Capture The Flag

If you’re looking for a game that combines mental agility with physical activity, ‘Capture the Flag’ is an excellent choice. This classic outdoor game pits two teams against each other, with the objective of capturing the opposing team’s flag while protecting your own. By engaging in this strategic and fun game, your kids will not only develop their problem-solving skills but also stay physically active and healthy.

Lawn Twister

Lawn Twister

Transforming the classic indoor game of Twister into an exciting outdoor experience is a great way to encourage your kids to get active and enjoy the fresh air. To create a life-size version of Twister on your lawn, start by painting giant circles in bold colors, mimicking the iconic Twister mat. This will allow you to set up a fun and interactive game that your kids can play with their friends, inviting them to come out and get involved in the action.



Sardines is an innovative spin on the classic hide-and-seek game, emphasizing stealth and strategy. In this thrilling variant, one player takes on the role of the ‘hidden’ individual, while a set number of teammates attempt to track them down. When a player successfully locates the hidden person, they join forces with them in their hiding spot, ultimately resulting in a packed ‘sardine-like’ grouping, where all players converge in a single location.



For an adrenaline-packed experience, consider creating your own DIY paintball using sponges or small water balloons filled with diluted paints. This unique game offers endless fun for kids during the summer months. When playing with this messy yet thrilling activity, it’s essential to designate a suitable area, such as a park or backyard, to minimize the impact of excessive water and mess. By doing so, you’ll ensure an enjoyable experience for your little ones.

Bucket Tag

Bucket Tag

Tag, a timeless classic that refuses to fade away, can be revitalized with creative twists. One such variation is Bucket Tag, which requires at least 8 participants to get started. The rules are simple: each player wears a bucket attached to their waist via ropes or belts, and the game revolves around losing small bean packs stored in those buckets. The objective is straightforward – eliminate as many of these packs as possible before the end of the game.

And when all’s said and done, the individual with the fewest remaining packs in their bucket emerges victorious.


Kubb, a captivating outdoor game, brings together wooden blocks and batons that require strategic throwing to knock over the blocks. This engaging activity necessitates at least two teams and a minimum of four players. As a strategy-rich game, Kubb presents an excellent opportunity for kids to hone their targeting skills while developing essential teamwork abilities.

To emerge victorious, youngsters must not only demonstrate exceptional throwing prowess but also cultivate effective collaboration with their teammates.

Soda Bottle Bowling

Soda Bottle Bowling

Make the most out of those soda bottle collections by turning them into an entertaining activity for you and your family. One creative way to do this is by introducing Soda Bottle Bowling, a fun outdoor game that’s perfect for kids and even makes for a great party game for teenagers. To set up the game, fill about 20% of the bottles with water or sand and let your kids take turns throwing balls to knock them down.

This activity not only encourages physical exercise but also fosters teamwork and friendly competition.

Food Eating Contest

Food Eating Contest

When it comes to outdoor activities, it’s not just about games and playtime. Hosting healthy competitions can be an excellent way to keep your kids engaged and entertained while also promoting physical activity and reducing screen time. One creative idea is to organize a fruit or salad bowl eating competition. This fun and interactive challenge encourages kids to work together and have fun while enjoying a nutritious snack.

To make it even more exciting, you can let the winner choose the next day’s outdoor activity, giving them a sense of accomplishment and ownership in their playtime.

Giant Ring Toss

Giant Ring Toss

While keeping kids engaged for extended periods can be a daunting task, there’s hope! A clever solution lies in introducing Giant Ring Toss to the mix. This thrilling game challenges youngsters to toss oversized rings onto pegs of matching hues, fostering an atmosphere reminiscent of board games. In fact, such yard games can prove a shrewd investment, providing hours of entertainment and instilling a love for outdoor play.

Giant Jenga

Giant Jenga

While many of us enjoy playing Jenga indoors on our coffee tables or floors, we believe it’s time to shake things up. Why not take the classic game outdoors? With a giant Jenga set, you can do just that. Not only will this encourage your kids to spend more time outside, but the larger pieces will also make the game more engaging and accessible for everyone.

Cat and Mouse

In the classic outdoor game of Cat and Mouse, kids can have a blast with friends from the neighborhood. The more players, the merrier! To set up the game, one child takes their place within a designated circle, playing the role of The Mouse, while another child stands outside the circle, acting as The Cat. The goal is for the Mouse to sneak past the Cat and make it out of the circle without getting caught.

If the Mouse is successfully captured, they take on the role of the Cat in the next round, ensuring the game remains exciting and unpredictable.



Spending quality time outdoors with loved ones is just what Bocce brings to the table. The excitement of rolling a ball and watching it travel down the court never gets old. With its flexibility and ease of play, this game has become a staple for family gatherings, whether that’s at a picnic, beach day, or even during camping adventures. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice for creating lasting memories with your nearest and dearest.



Bring excitement to your outdoor escapades by embracing Geocaching! This engaging activity not only teaches valuable skills like map-reading, GPS navigation, and historical exploration but also provides an enjoyable experience for all participants. To introduce your kids to the world of Geocaching, all you need is a GPS device or a smartphone with GPS capabilities and a membership on www. geocaching. com.

Once equipped, they’ll embark on a thrilling adventure that challenges their problem-solving skills by deciphering puzzles and codes to uncover hidden caches in your area.



Incorporating a simple game of Catch into your child’s daily routine can have a profound impact on their overall health and development. This timeless activity requires minimal equipment – just a ball and the willingness of two participants to engage in some fun! By putting down screens and picking up a ball, you can provide your child with a unique opportunity for physical activity, social interaction, and cognitive stimulation.

Lobber Ball

Get ready to push your physical limits with Lobber Ball, a fast-paced game that demands top-notch fitness. While any ball can be used, opting for a baseball is highly recommended, as its unique characteristics make it the perfect fit for the core gameplay mechanic of playing catch, which is the very foundation of Lobber Ball.

Water Gun Fight

Water Gun Fight

Summer vacations can be a blast, but the scorching heat can quickly dampen the excitement. If your kids are hesitant to venture out due to the sweltering temperatures, introducing water guns to the mix is an instant solution. As soon as they lay eyes on these refreshing tools, their enthusiasm for outdoor play will skyrocket, and you might struggle to get them back inside once the fun begins.

Make-Your-Own Maze

Make-Your-Own Maze

As an educational activity, consider guiding your children through the concept of mazes and then encourage them to design and build their own using rocks or other natural materials. Offer support as needed, either by providing direct assistance or observing from a distance. By doing so, you’ll not only be fostering creativity and problem-solving skills but also allowing your kids to have a blast navigating and exploring the intricate paths they’ve created.

Yard Yahtzee

Yard Yahtzee

For a fun and inclusive outdoor experience, consider bringing out the Yard Yahtzee. This versatile game is an excellent choice for families with members of all ages. What’s more, its appeal extends beyond children – even teenagers will enjoy playing this game, which has a familiar digital counterpart in popular mobile games.



Let’s revisit the joy of impromptu games in the driveway, like shooting hoops. It’s astonishing how quickly childhood memories can fade away, leaving us wondering where time went. In today’s fast-paced world, many parents are struggling to find quality time with their kids. Why not take a cue from the past and revive this classic bonding experience? Install a basketball hoop in your backyard or driveway, and spend some quality time shooting hoops with your kids.



While investing in board games is an excellent idea, it’s even more beneficial to invest in outdoor games that simultaneously stimulate both mind and body. One such game is Cornhole, a strategy-based game that’s not only portable but also highly enjoyable. Its versatility allows you to take it to various gatherings or family picnics, making it an ideal activity to share with your kids.

By embracing the outdoors, you can turn what might seem like a mundane space into a realm of endless fun and excitement.

Scavenger Hunt

Elevate the excitement of everyday moments by conjuring up a Scavenger Hunt adventure! With minimal effort, you can create an experience that will captivate your little ones’ attention. The thrill of discovery is all it takes to bring out their inner explorers. Simply take some time to prepare the activity and watch as they enthusiastically search for hidden treasures. Online resources are overflowing with creative ideas to help you set the stage for this interactive fun.

Meanwhile, you can unwind on the porch with a refreshing drink in hand, enjoying the joy of watching your kids’ faces light up as they uncover each new discovery.

Blindfolded Dodgeball

Blindfolded Dodgeball

A traditional game of Dodgeball can be transformed into a thrilling experience by introducing some innovative twists. One such twist is to play the game blindfolded, which amplifies the other senses and creates an exhilarating atmosphere. You can also team up with two partners, where one person is blindfolded and their partner provides support. Additionally, incorporating pool noodles and an active ball can significantly enhance the gameplay experience.

What’s more, when players make contact with the active ball, they’re out of the game. Given its outdoor nature, it’s essential to set clear boundaries before starting play.

Sponge Pass

Sponge Pass

Unleashing the versatility of sponges, these humble tools can transform into an endless array of engaging props for playtime. A simple yet effective method is dipping them in water or paint, allowing for a multitude of creative possibilities. Envision Catch taking on a new dimension with water-saturated sponges, and elevate the experience by preparing buckets of vibrantly colored H2O courtesy of food dye or paint, adding an extra layer of excitement.



The humble frisbee can bring numerous benefits to your children’s physical development. Not only does it provide a comprehensive full-body workout, but it also helps strengthen various muscle groups, including those crucial for agility and sprinting. If you’re concerned about your kids’ fitness levels, investing in a few frisbees is an excellent way to encourage healthy habits. Additionally, regular frisbee play can be an effective tool for weight loss for both children and adults alike.



Kickball is a unique blend of soccer, softball, and baseball, offering a fun and active way to stay healthy. If traditional kickball is starting to lose its appeal for your kids, there are numerous variations to explore and keep things fresh.

What’s more, kickball is a popular activity in many schools around the world. Moreover, both children and adults can participate in organized matches under the supervision of the World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA), which hosts events globally.

Steal the Bacon

When gathering with a group of children, Steal the Bacon can be a fantastic activity to engage them in. Whether it’s during a playdate, school party, or family gathering, this game is an excellent way to foster social skills, including listening and teamwork, while also introducing basic math concepts like number recognition.

Flashlight Tag

Flashlight Tag

Embracing the magic of nighttime play is a great way to create lasting memories with your kids. Consider investing in flashlights and introducing games like flashlight tag, where they can use their imagination and creativity to explore and play without worrying about the darkness. It’s amazing how much fun you can have when the sun goes down! The summers spent playing till dusk and beyond were truly special, and it’s never too early or too late to relive those moments with your little ones.

By giving them the freedom to play and have fun without interruptions, you’re not only creating lasting memories but also teaching them valuable skills like problem-solving and creativity.

Tug of War

Tug of War

A clever way to get kids excited about outdoor play is by suggesting a classic game like tug of war. This timeless activity not only gets the neighborhood kids moving but also encourages healthy competition and decision-making skills. To make it even more engaging, you can propose that the winning team gets to choose the next game they’ll play. This approach cleverly disguises your goal of increasing outdoor playtime as a fun and interactive experience for the kids.



Playing Hopscotch may seem like a simple and nostalgic activity, but it’s an excellent way to get kids moving and having fun. The game requires players to draw a pattern on the ground, toss a small object into the first square, and then hop through all the squares back to retrieve their marker. If they successfully complete the course without losing their balance or forgetting to pick up the marker, they win!

On the other hand, if they lose their footing or forget to collect their marker, they lose. What’s more, outdoor games like Hopscotch offer a range of benefits for kids, from promoting physical activity and healthy habits to encouraging a sense of adventure and exploration. However, as parents, we often struggle to get our kids off the screens and outside where they can experience these benefits firsthand.

The key is to lead by example, showing them the excitement and joy that comes from playing in nature. By doing so, we’re teaching them valuable lessons about the importance of balance and moderation, all while having fun and making memories together.

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