51 Productive Teenage Activities For Bored Teens To Have Fun

As teenagers, they’re often eager to explore new interests and passions. To encourage this sense of adventure, it’s essential to provide them with opportunities to try out different activities that align with their hobbies and commitments. By doing so, we can help them develop a sense of balance between leisure time and responsibilities. One way to achieve this is by being supportive and suggesting small, manageable steps for them to follow.

For instance, you could join in on the fun yourself or recommend that they invite a friend or family member to participate with them. The key takeaway here is that it’s crucial for teenagers to learn how to prioritize their time effectively and make the most of their free moments. By doing so, we can help them develop essential life skills that will benefit them well into adulthood.

Learn a new dance

Learn a new dance

When it comes to finding a fun and engaging activity for a teenager who’s feeling stuck, dancing can be an excellent choice. This creative outlet utilizes multiple aspects of the brain, including physical, mental, and social skills, when done with others. To get started, try searching for popular dance challenges on TikTok or YouTube, or even create your own choreography to their favorite song in their free time.

The added benefit is that dancing can have a positive impact on one’s mental health.

Plan your day with a digital planner

Plan your day with a digital planner

Teaching young adults to harness the power of a planner can have a profound impact on their time management skills, especially as they navigate online classes and increasing independence. A digital planner designed specifically for teens offers an intuitive interface and unparalleled customization options, empowering them with valuable life skills.

With features like daily and monthly at-a-glance views, automated to-do lists, and a progress dashboard that tracks high-priority deadlines, exercise routines, and overall month-long goals, this tool sets the stage for developing healthy habits and reduced stress levels.

Read a book

Indulging in a captivating novel can be a truly enriching experience. For many of us, there’s no better way to spend our free time than getting lost in the pages of a great book. In this digital age where screens dominate, it’s refreshing to encourage your teenager to develop a love for reading. Why not make it an enjoyable bonding experience by joining forces and reading together?

You can even take it up a notch by discussing the plot over a cup of coffee at a cozy café when you both finish the book. Not only is reading a fantastic way to improve critical thinking, imagination, and overall literacy skills, but it also fosters a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us.

Take an online course

For teens who may feel apprehensive about trying new things in person, or prefer the comfort of their own space, online courses can be an excellent alternative. With the vast array of virtual classes available, it’s likely that your teen will find something that piques their interest. A simple search online can lead to a wealth of options at various price points, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Create art

Create art

Navigating the tumultuous world of adolescence can be an emotionally charged experience. However, there’s a powerful way to harness those emotions and channel them into something positive – through art. By introducing teenagers to various artistic mediums, such as photography, painting, or pottery, you can help them process their feelings and develop a newfound sense of self-expression.

To take it a step further, encourage them to record their thoughts, insights, and observations in a journal, allowing them to reflect on their creative journey.

Set new goals

As the calendar flips to a new year, many adults are prompted to reflect on their goals. However, it’s equally important to encourage teenagers to set goals that are both realistic and meaningful. A good approach is to start with small, achievable objectives in the short-term, while also nurturing a bigger vision for the future. By doing so, teens can develop a growth mindset and cultivate a sense of direction and purpose.

Learn to crochet

The resurgence of interest in crocheting and knitting is a heartwarming trend. Engaging with these crafts can have a profound impact on one’s well-being, fostering self-esteem, cognitive function, and even entrepreneurial skills – should the individual choose to monetize their creations. For those new to the world of yarn-based pursuits, this starter set offers an accessible and affordable introduction.

Its moderate price point allows for a trial period, empowering beginners to explore the craft without a significant financial commitment.

Research colleges

Research colleges

Why wait until high school when you can empower your child to start exploring college options early on? By providing them with the right resources, you’re giving them the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and take ownership of their educational journey. It’s all about equipping them with the tools they need to make informed decisions about what they want from a college experience.

Start a bullet journal

If your child has a flair for color and organization, they might already be familiar with bullet journals. If not, consider exploring this concept together through YouTube videos. This type of journal allows teens to track various aspects of their lives, such as movies watched, water intake, or even their emotional state over the course of a month. The best part is that you can either purchase one or create your own!

As a beginner’s guide, this journal is an excellent starting point for them to get started and develop their organizational skills.

Create your first budget

Mastering the art of budgeting is an invaluable skill for teenagers to develop, regardless of whether they choose a manual or digital approach. By sharing your own budgeting methods and preferred software with them, or by working on a joint budget, you can create a collaborative learning experience that fosters financial literacy and responsibility.

Do your laundry

Do your laundry

By incorporating practical life skills like doing laundry into your teenager’s daily routine, you’re equipping them with essential tools for independence. One effective way to achieve this is by inviting them to assist you in doing laundry at home. Start by letting them observe as you complete the initial stages – from washing to drying and folding. Once they have a solid understanding of the process, it’s their turn!

Let them take the reins and run the clothes through each step, culminating in them being responsible for their own laundry moving forward.

Create or update your resume

When discussing the importance of having a professional presence, it’s essential to cover the fundamentals of resume creation. Begin by explaining what a resume is and its primary purpose. Then, walk them through the process of crafting their own unique document, highlighting key elements such as education, work experience, and skills. As they work on their resume, offer guidance and support, and if requested, provide constructive feedback to help refine their draft.

Try a new sport

Try a new sport

While it may not be the most exciting prospect for many teenagers, the world of sports offers an incredibly diverse range of options. By allowing teens to explore their preferences, we can help them find a sport that truly resonates with them. This might involve considering whether they’d prefer to participate in a solo pursuit or team-based activity. To get started, there are plenty of entry points to choose from, such as joining a recreational team, high school club, or even a class.

By taking the time to explore and find the right fit, teens can discover a sense of fulfillment and camaraderie that comes with being part of a larger sports community.

Learn a new life skill

While it may be tempting to say that challenging yourself to learn something new is a straightforward process, the reality is that it requires intentional effort and practice to develop the skills and mindset necessary for growth. As you deliberately challenge your brain, you’ll find that it helps build confidence, sharpens critical thinking, enhances problem-solving abilities, and cultivates other essential qualities.

Learn to code

In today’s digital age, coding has become an integral part of our lives and is expected to remain so for the foreseeable future. If your teenager is interested in developing this essential skill, they have several options available to them. They can learn at their own pace through online resources or formal courses, join a club or class in school, or even take on a coding-related extracurricular activity.

The key is to find an approach that suits their learning style and provides the necessary support to help them achieve their goals.

Bake something

Bake something

In the world of baking, sweet success meets scientific savvy. As an art form that requires both creativity and chemical understanding, baking offers a unique blend of pleasure and precision. While the final product is undoubtedly scrumptious, it’s the process itself that holds many surprises. By embracing the intricacies of chemistry in the kitchen, bakers can unlock new possibilities and take their skills to the next level.

For those just starting out on this tasty journey, there are plenty of resources available to guide them along the way – including beginner-friendly cookbooks that provide a solid foundation for exploring the world of desserts.

Make one of those viral TikTok recipes

The secret to a recipe’s viral success lies not only in its irresistible flavor, but also in its simplicity. With just a few basic ingredients and straightforward instructions, these culinary creations have captured the hearts (and stomachs) of millions. It’s no wonder that a quick internet search for ‘viral TikTok recipes’ yields countless results – their appeal is undeniable!

Volunteer at an animal shelter

As a teenager, my dad required me to volunteer during the summers, which initially felt like an obligation. However, as I immersed myself in animal shelters, I discovered a sense of fulfillment that has stayed with me to this day. The initial challenges aside, there’s something special about forming connections with those you’re serving. Once they get to know you, it’s as if nothing else matters – a truly gratifying experience.

Get a summer job

Get a summer job

As an alternative to simply expecting a allowance or gift, consider giving your teen the autonomy to find and secure their own summer job. While it’s essential to maintain some level of oversight, empower them by asking thought-provoking questions that may not have occurred to them otherwise. For instance, probe about hourly expectations, transportation plans to get to work, and any other logistical considerations that can help them better prepare for the experience.

Get your driver’s license

Obtaining a driver’s license is often one of the most significant milestones in a child’s life, as it allows them to gain independence and simplify daily routines for the entire family. This rite of passage not only frees up parents’ schedules but also empowers kids with a sense of responsibility and autonomy.

Create a Youtube channel

Consider the unique skills and interests your family members possess, as well as their level of comfort behind the camera lens. It’s likely that one or more individuals have a beloved hobby they’re extremely familiar with. Why not encourage them to create a YouTube channel, tailored to their specific strengths and passions? This could be an excellent opportunity for everyone in the household to showcase their talents, share knowledge, or simply entertain viewers.

Host a movie marathon

Host a movie marathon

Get your teenager involved in planning and hosting a movie marathon with their friends or family. This activity not only allows them to take on responsibilities like coordination, planning, and communication, but also provides an opportunity for socialization and bonding. With a little creativity, you can even turn this into a memorable experience for their birthday party!

Learn a new card game

Spice up your family gatherings or social events by introducing a fresh deck of cards. Encourage your teenager to explore new games they’ve never played before and lead the way in teaching everyone how to play during the next family game night. To take it to the next level, transform this newfound favorite into a lively party game for friends and loved ones to enjoy together.

Take a personality quiz

Discovering unique aspects of ourselves can be an entertaining and enlightening experience. Many people enjoy taking personality quizzes, whether they’re lighthearted or more in-depth assessments like the Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the 5 Love Languages quiz, which sheds light on how individuals appreciate receiving expressions of appreciation from others.

This activity can also serve as a creative way to bond with friends at a sleepover, offering a fun and thought-provoking experience that sparks conversation and laughter.

Make a bucket list

Make a bucket list

One of the most appealing aspects of creating a bucket list is its versatility – it’s not just limited to a single category or time frame. You can craft a list tailored to a specific season, like summer or winter, or create a list that chronicles a particular stage of life, such as high school or college. Alternatively, you could develop a personalized list for each individual in your family, allowing everyone to have their own unique set of goals and aspirations.

Facetime with a friend

The advent of FaceTime and video calls has significantly impacted our daily lives, fostering deeper connections with loved ones who may be physically distant. For teenagers specifically, regular virtual check-ins with friends and family who live farther away can help maintain strong relationships and a sense of belonging.

Go for a picnic in the park

The idea of a picnic is flexible enough to accommodate various weather conditions. Alternatively, an unconventional indoor setting could be used as a unique alternative. The key is allowing participants to take ownership by making or purchasing their preferred items and inviting whomever they choose. For instance, this charming picnic basket is a great option! As you bask in the great outdoors, consider incorporating these fun outdoor game ideas to enhance the experience.

Try a new cuisine/foods

Try a new cuisine/foods

Exploring diverse cuisines with children or teens can be a fantastic way to broaden their understanding of the world! One approach is to venture out to local restaurants together, or take cooking classes that focus on new flavors and techniques. However, it’s essential not to push them too far, too fast. Instead, start with dishes that are familiar or share similarities with what they already enjoy.

For instance, if you only ever had Chinese food growing up, you might begin by introducing Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, and other Asian cuisines as you enter secondary school years. The beauty of this approach lies in the fact that food is a natural teaching tool – it’s engaging, accessible, and best of all, incredibly delicious!

Reduce your screen time

As we navigate our increasingly digital lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the perpetual glow of screens. However, setting boundaries and encouraging responsible screen use can be a game-changer for families. Why not turn screen time into a fun challenge? Set a goal together as a family to see who can spend the least amount of time staring at their devices, and offer a reward for the winner.

Alternatively, establish designated times of the day when screens are allowed, and explore alternative activities that everyone can enjoy – whether it’s reading, board games, or outdoor adventures.

Do something for a neighbour

Engaging in acts of service for others is a highly fulfilling and impactful endeavor that can bring joy and purpose to the lives of both the giver and receiver. Whether you’re a teen or simply looking to make a positive difference, there are numerous opportunities to serve others, such as offering to babysit children, mow lawns, walk dogs, or take on other tasks that require your skills and abilities.

Simply ask around to identify people in need of assistance, and then step up to the plate to provide it.

Open a bank account

Open a bank account

Mastering the art of managing a bank account is a crucial life skill for teenagers. In fact, having a solid understanding of how to handle their finances can be incredibly beneficial when they’re ready to move out on their own. While some banks may have specific requirements for minors, such as needing a co-signer under the age of eighteen, your teen being able to access and manage an account with funds can provide valuable hands-on experience.

Clean out your phone

The notion that keeping a tidy phone and organized digital life might seem trivial at first glance. However, the discipline required to accomplish this task can have a profound impact on one’s habits and overall productivity. By instilling this mentality in teenagers, they are more likely to apply these same organizational skills to other areas of their lives, fostering a sense of responsibility and structure that can benefit them well into adulthood.

Rearrange your bedroom

As I reflect on my childhood, I realize that I was part of a distinct group of kids who would frequently engage in this peculiar habit. Rearranging the space around me allowed me to gain a fresh perspective, potentially breaking free from any mental or physical stagnation. Moreover, it provided an excellent opportunity for me to tidy up and maintain a sense of order in my environment.

Organize your room

Organize your room

As a child, I was peculiarly fond of tidying up my room – an activity that brought me immense satisfaction and provided a sense of mental clarity, akin to clearing the clutter from both my physical and mental spaces.

Go to a museum

As young minds continue to grow and develop, exposing teenagers to cultural elements can have a profound impact on their critical thinking and inquiry skills. This exposure can not only foster a deeper understanding of the world around them but also inspire new passions and aspirations. For instance, teens may discover a newfound appreciation for art, history, or even the museum profession itself, sparking an interest in pursuing a career within these fields.

Go geocaching

Geocaching is an engaging outdoor pursuit where individuals use GPS technology to track down containers stashed at precise coordinates. These ‘caches’ are strategically hidden across the globe, with varying levels of challenge and intrigue. Once discovered, participants log their find and return the container to its original spot, essentially closing the loop. This activity is particularly well-suited for teens who crave adventure, enjoy solving puzzles, and value the thrill of discovery.

Learn a new instrument

Learn a new instrument

Mastering a new instrument is a holistic experience that pushes your physical and mental abilities to their limits, requiring coordination, timing, and memory recall. To embark on this journey, consider enrolling in a local class or video series, or have your teenager participate in a group program offered through school.

Additionally, don’t hesitate to reach out to a music store for guidance; they can provide valuable insights and resources to help you acquire or rent the instrument that’s right for you.


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential for teenagers to learn how to momentarily step away from the chaos. One effective way to achieve this is by introducing them to the concept of meditation. With the constant influx of information and pressure to perform well academically, it’s not uncommon for teens to feel overwhelmed.

However, by dedicating just five minutes a day to mindfulness practices, they can significantly reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, allowing them to better cope with the demands of secondary school.

Listen to a new podcast

While podcasts can be an excellent way to foster critical thinking, active listening, and even new learning experiences in teenagers, they also offer a wealth of opportunities for teens to expand their knowledge and understanding across various subjects. By engaging with podcasts, your teen will develop valuable skills that can benefit them in many areas of life.

Ride a bike

Cycling offers an unparalleled combination of fun and physical activity, making it the ideal mode of transportation for teenagers when public transit isn’t readily available or you’re unable to offer rides for all occasions. Whether it’s navigating through school, commuting to extracurricular activities, or simply getting around town with friends, a bike provides an independent means of mobility that fosters confidence and self-reliance.

Wash the car

Wash the car

Washing a car is an excellent opportunity for teenagers to develop essential life skills. By undertaking this task, they can gain hands-on experience in providing ongoing maintenance, which helps preserve the quality of something over time. Moreover, they will likely discover that dedicating the time and effort required to do it themselves leads to a profound sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Do some yard work

Do some yard work

The benefits of maintaining a yard extend beyond its aesthetic appeal. By dedicating time and effort to upkeep, individuals can develop skills that benefit other areas of life. For instance, it requires discipline and planning, traits that can be applied to managing time effectively and coordinating multiple tasks simultaneously.

Moreover, the experience can translate to real-world scenarios where multitasking is necessary – a skill that has likely been honed by many of us when juggling multiple responsibilities.

Start your own small business

Empower your teenager to turn their passion into a profitable venture! Allow them to take the reins in setting up their own business, with you serving as a trusted mentor when needed. This approach not only helps them develop valuable entrepreneurial skills but also gives them the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their project.

Try a DIY project

Unleash the creative genius within by encouraging loved ones to explore the world of DIY projects on platforms like Pinterest, TikTok, or other favored online destinations. This can be done purely for entertainment purposes, used as an opportunity to create personalized gifts, or simply as a means to experiment and develop new skills.

Spend some quality time with your pet

Spend some quality time with your pet

As your teenager develops a passion for animals and looks forward to having their own pet someday, consider entrusting them with more responsibilities regarding the family pet. This approach not only enhances their bond with the animal but also grants them valuable insights into the demands of caring for a pet. In doing so, they’ll gain a better understanding of whether they’re truly prepared to take on the long-term commitment and responsibilities that come with owning a pet.

Moreover, quality time spent together, whether it’s lounging around or engaging in outdoor activities like playing in the backyard, can be incredibly fulfilling. By prioritizing one-on-one time with your teen and the pet, you’ll foster a stronger connection between them, making memories that will last a lifetime.

Go for a photo walk

As you embark on this photography adventure with your teenager, encourage them to explore the world beyond their own perspective. The act of capturing moments while walking can foster critical thinking and a deeper appreciation for the surroundings. This activity has the potential to produce stunning visuals and instill an awareness of the world’s beauty in your child.

To make it even more enjoyable, consider gifting them a disposable camera or a fun polaroid one to commemorate their experiences.

Try Gardening

Try Gardening

As the younger generations become more invested in self-sufficiency, growing their own food has emerged as a valuable skill. Whether it’s a small herb garden or a full-fledged bed of potted plants, introducing young people to the basics of gardening is crucial. To get started, we’ve curated a selection of our top-recommended seeds, tools, and pots that can help guide them on their journey.

Apply for scholarships

As a family that prioritizes fiscal responsibility, we instill the importance of seeking out scholarship opportunities in our children from an early age. By empowering them to take ownership of their scholarship search, we’re teaching them valuable life skills such as resourcefulness and responsibility. With our guidance and support, they can navigate the application process with confidence.

Connect with family

Embracing the significance of family is crucial, regardless of whether you’ve been blessed with biological ties or built connections through shared experiences. In this context, having loved ones participate in activities or discussions becomes essential. By engaging in open conversations about your parents, siblings, or other cherished individuals, you can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for one another.

This might involve creating a family tree together or having regular check-ins to keep each other informed of the latest developments in life. As you navigate this process, remember that nurturing strong relationships is vital for personal growth and development.

Take a break

Take a break

While it may seem counterintuitive, it’s essential to recognize that taking breaks is just as crucial as completing tasks. As adults, we often learn that doing too much can lead to burnout or unfulfilled goals. Therefore, it’s vital to teach the next generation the importance of recognizing when to say no or take a break. By doing so, you’ll empower your child to prioritize their well-being and make more intentional decisions.

If you’re looking for a fun way to unwind and recharge, consider trying out these hilarious prank call ideas that are sure to bring some laughter and excitement into your day.

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