27 Fun Weekend Children Activities

Stuck for ideas to keep your kiddos engaged this weekend? Worry no more! With a little creativity, you can turn a potentially chaotic Saturday into a fun-filled adventure for all. The key is to find activities that not only entertain but also foster a sense of connection between you and your tiny humans. And don’t worry if you’re running out of steam – we’ve got some genius ideas to get you started!



As the world slowly returns to normalcy following the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s now possible to revive the joy of outdoor picnics for the whole family. With many countries lifting restrictions on children playing in open spaces, why not take advantage of this opportunity and host a fun-filled picnic with your little ones? Set up a blanket and some pillows in your backyard or head to a nearby park – whichever suits your fancy.

Letting your kids be involved in packing the basket and picking their favorite snacks will only add to the excitement and anticipation leading up to the big day. Once at the picnic, you can indulge in a hearty meal together, engage in some friendly games, and create lifelong memories with your kids. It’s a day that’s sure to leave everyone feeling cherished and grateful.

Bike Ride

Bike Ride

As summer approaches, it’s essential to consider gifting your child their very own bike. Not only is biking an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also offers numerous benefits that extend beyond the physical realm.

For starters, cycling provides kids with a sense of freedom and adventure as they explore their neighborhood, fostering independence and confidence. Moreover, this activity serves as a perfect catalyst for making new friends who share similar interests.

But why stop there?

Get yourself a bike too! Riding alongside your children on weekends can become a treasured family bonding experience, creating memories that will last a lifetime. With the great outdoors at your doorstep, it’s an opportunity not to be missed.

Game Night

Game Night

Indulge in quality time with your loved ones by embracing the simplicity of a weekend game night. Gather your kids and break out the board games for an evening of wholesome fun. The possibilities are endless, from classic titles like Monopoly and Scrabble to lively card games and creative challenges like Taboo and Charades. Make this a recurring ritual, not just a one-time occurrence, and watch your family bond over shared experiences.

Baking Cookies

Baking Cookies

Incorporating baking cookies into your family’s routine is a great way to create lasting traditions. While it’s common to associate cookie-baking with Christmas, there’s no reason why you can’t make it a regular occurrence. Why settle for just one special occasion when you can have fun with the kids every other weekend? The process of selecting flavors, shapes, and icing together is an excellent way to build anticipation and excitement around even the simplest tasks.

Take the kids shopping for ingredients and bake from scratch to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Build a Fort

Build a Fort

Building memories with your little ones doesn’t have to involve expensive toys or elaborate setups. Sometimes, it’s the simplest and most nostalgic of activities that can bring the greatest joy. I’m talking, of course, about building a fort together! Who hasn’t spent hours constructing an impenetrable fortress out of pillows and sheets at some point in their life? It’s a rite of passage, really.

As you join your kids in this endeavour, you’ll not only be creating a fun and cozy space for them to play and relax, but also fostering important bonding moments. And let’s not forget about the memories you’ll make together! Whether you’re snuggled up watching a movie or having a storytelling session, these quiet evenings can become some of your most treasured family traditions. So why not give it a try?

Grab some pillows, grab some sheets, and get ready to build some unforgettable experiences with your little ones.

Movie Night

Movie Night

Transforming an ordinary evening into a special bonding experience with your kids is just as easy as setting up a cozy movie night. If building an elaborate fort or having ample space isn’t feasible, why not create a simple yet enjoyable movie setup instead? A few blankets, some plush pillows, and a great film to get lost in can go a long way in making memories with your little ones.

To make it even more special, allow your kids to take charge of picking their favorite movie, choosing the snacks they’ll indulge in, and participating in setting up the entire setup. And if you’re feeling generous, consider letting them stay up just a bit past their bedtime for an added treat.

Play Dress Up

Play Dress Up

Why not surprise your girls with a fun-filled dress-up session this weekend? Let them unleash their creativity and imagination by choosing from a variety of outfits, makeup options, and accessories. For an added twist, bring out the colorful wigs and let them match their attire to their whimsical hairstyles. Trust me, you’ll be in for hours of laughter and entertainment as your kids get lost in this imaginative play experience.

Have a Tea Party

Have a Tea Party

Why not elevate the concept of a regular playtime by hosting an authentic tea party? Start by crafting formal invitations and sending them to your little ones, beckoning them to join you in a special afternoon gathering. Gently summon them from their rooms with the promise of a delightful experience. To create an air of sophistication, prepare an assortment of petite treats such as cakes and sandwiches, accompanied by a variety of teas and cookies.

This will undoubtedly transform your ordinary playtime into an extraordinary celebration. For more creative indoor activities for kids, explore our collection of ideas.

Play Sports

Play Sports

While weekends provide an excellent opportunity to encourage outdoor play, consider reserving them for activities like football, basketball, or mini-golf with your child. This not only fosters a love for playing games in the great outdoors but also creates a fantastic chance to bond and engage in some physical activity together. In addition to promoting healthy habits, these shared experiences can strengthen your relationship with your kid.

Museum Trip

Museum Trip

Weekends can be a perfect opportunity to plan exciting outings with your kids. Gather them around and brainstorm a list of fun and educational destinations you’d love to explore together. Consider adding a variety of museums to the mix, such as an art gallery, naval museum, or locomotive museum – there are likely many options available in your state or city that cater to different interests and ages.

Neighbourhood Walk

Neighbourhood Walk

While routine tasks can often be mundane, incorporating your entire family into these activities can turn them into unforgettable experiences. A leisurely neighborhood stroll is an excellent example of how something as ordinary as a walk can become extraordinary when shared with loved ones.

Gather the kids and their essential gear – water bottles and comfortable shoes – for a fun-filled adventure around the block.

This activity not only encourages physical exercise but also fosters strong bonds between parents and children, making it an excellent addition to any family’s routine.



Weekend puzzle sessions with your kids can be just as fun and engaging as card or board games. Make a habit of shopping for puzzles together on weekends, turning this into a special bonding time. Not only do puzzles offer a great way to develop brain power, but they also provide an opportunity to teach your children the importance of looking at the bigger picture, focusing their attention, and creating lasting memories with quality time spent together.



When it comes to camping with kids, there’s no shortage of fun and adventure awaiting. Whether you’re setting up camp in your own backyard or venturing into the great outdoors, both experiences offer a wealth of benefits for young minds. The excitement begins even before you arrive at the campsite, as packing for the trip becomes a thrilling activity in its own right.

Once you’re settled in, the real fun can begin.

Building fires, hosting s’mores parties and sharing stories around the campfire are just a few of the ways to create lasting memories with your little ones. But camping’s greatest reward may be the opportunity it provides for families to bond and strengthen their relationships – something that’s sure to leave a lasting impact on kids’ lives.



Whether you’re a parent seeking to foster your child’s creative side or an individual eager to explore their artistic expression, weekends provide the perfect opportunity to do just that. Consider enrolling your little ones in painting lessons, where they can learn new techniques and develop their skills under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

Alternatively, if formal instruction isn’t on the cards, you can always take to the internet and find plenty of tutorials and online resources to help you get started. From there, invite your child to join you in a fun and creative activity, learning together and enjoying each other’s company.

Set up a Lemonade Stand

Set up a Lemonade Stand

Let’s bring back the joy of childhood! Remember setting up a Lemonade Stand as a school project or just for fun? Technology has taken over many of these delightful activities, but it’s time to revive them. Gather your kid and set up an amazing lemonade stand in your neighborhood. Invite friends and family to come together and enjoy a refreshing glass. This activity can be a full-day affair, from crafting the stand to selling the lemonade and wrapping things up.

It’s the perfect way to spend quality time with your child this summer.

Create a Family Tree

Create a Family Tree

Crafting a family tree with children can be an engaging and educational experience. There are numerous ways to create one, including using natural materials like wood or recycled items, colorful ice cream sticks, or even family photographs. This creative activity not only fosters a sense of connection to their heritage but also encourages kids’ imagination and artistic expression.

It’s an excellent opportunity for them to showcase their project at school, making it a valuable learning experience.

Science Project

Science Project

When it comes to conducting science experiments at home, safety is paramount. Fortunately, there are many fun and engaging projects that can be done from the comfort of your own space. Classic examples include observing the effects of water rushing over a candle flame or exploring the properties of soap as a repellent. For those looking for something more substantial, capillary action experiments offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of fluids.

If you’re not feeling like starting from scratch or would prefer to engage in more advanced projects, consider investing in a science experiment kit. Not only will this provide a comprehensive learning experience, but it’s also an excellent way to bond with your kids over shared scientific discoveries. Each weekend, use these experiments as an opportunity to teach your children about the wonders of science and nurture their natural curiosity.

Make snow or sand angels

Make snow or sand angels

Winter is a great season to spend quality time with your kids, regardless of whether your area gets snowfall or not. One fun activity that can be enjoyed in both snowy and sandy environments is making angels. Create memories by rolling around in the snow with your little ones, forming snow angels, and taking photos together. Alternatively, if you live near a beach or have access to one during this time, grab some sunscreen and hit the sand!

Make sand angels, build castles, and enjoy the sunshine with your tiny tots. The most important thing is not the medium used, but rather the quality of bonding and laughter that comes with it.

Fly Kites

Fly Kites

Imagine the thrill of watching your children’s faces light up as they soar their kites across the sky, even as the sun dips below the horizon. It’s a joy that can last long after the initial flight is over, and one that can be shared with family and friends alike. And did you know that this beloved pastime has more to it than just mere fun? Flying kites can also have tangible benefits for kids’ physical health.

By engaging their shoulder muscles and gently stretching their spines, kite flying helps counterbalance the effects of spending long hours in front of computers or school desks. It’s a simple yet effective way to get your little ones moving and staying healthy.

Collect Seashells

Collect Seashells

Transform your beach trip into a creative adventure by combining shell collecting with artistic expression. Instead of simply gathering seashells for their own sake, turn them into a meaningful activity that sparks imagination and creativity in kids. By using the collected shells as a medium for art, you’re not only fostering a sense of fun and exploration but also reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Start a Mini Garden

Start a Mini Garden

As parents, it’s wonderful when our children take an interest in gardening, whether it’s a backyard flower patch or a small plot of their own. To nurture this enthusiasm and create a sense of responsibility, consider gifting them a mini-garden with easy-to-grow plants and herbs. This not only fosters a love for nature but also provides a great opportunity to bond over shared activities on the weekends.

As you tend to the plants during the week, you can involve your kids in the process by teaching them how to care for their mini-garden, from watering and pruning to harvesting and enjoying the fruits of their labor. With a Grow Kit, you’ll have everything you need to get started, including seeds, soil, and expert guidance.

Have a Scavenger Hunt

Have a Scavenger Hunt

Why not plan a fun family activity this weekend? A classic game like a scavenger hunt can bring everyone together and offer a range of benefits for your kids. One of its greatest strengths is its ability to be tailored to individual interests and abilities, making it accessible to all ages and skill levels.

By taking part in a scavenger hunt, children will not only develop their problem-solving skills but also learn the value of teamwork and collaboration as they work together to achieve a common goal.

Visit the Library

Visit the Library

While it’s essential for kids to develop a love for reading, there’s no better place to foster this habit than at their local library. As a parent who values literacy, you’re more likely to instill a lifelong love of reading in your child if they see you embracing the joy of books as well. In fact, research suggests that children are significantly more likely to develop a similar interest in reading if they see their parents engaging with literature.

The familiar surroundings of the library, complete with its distinctive aroma and inviting seating areas, can be a powerful catalyst for igniting your child’s passion for reading. By sharing this experience with your kids, you’ll not only be setting them on the path to becoming book lovers themselves but also creating lasting memories along the way.



As I reflect on my childhood summers, memories of carefree days spent rollerblading around my neighborhood flood my mind. Those were the days when technology wasn’t a dominant force, and kids were more likely to be found outside playing than glued to their screens. It’s our responsibility as parents to ensure our children experience similar joys, so why not revive the thrill of rollerblading?

Treat your kids to a pair of top-notch roller blades and introduce them to the world of wheeled excitement.

Take them on a spin around the neighborhood or local park, where they can hone their skills. Once they’ve got the hang of it, unleash their inner speed demon and watch them soar.

Tie Dye Party

Tie Dye Party

As the excitement of adventurous weekends comes to an end, consider shifting gears towards a creative outlet that’s just as engaging – a DIY Tie Dye Party! With minimal upfront investment, you can host this fun and productive activity with your kids using old white or light-colored shirts and a variety of Tie-Dye colors. To get started, simply order the necessary supplies online.

As you work together, you’ll have the opportunity to experiment with different patterns and color combinations, making for a unique and memorable experience.

Collect Leaves for ArtWork

Collect Leaves for ArtWork

As the summer and fall seasons unfold, it’s the perfect opportunity to gather an assortment of leaves for a unique artistic endeavor. Just like collecting seashells earlier, this activity is all about embracing nature’s beauty and letting creativity flourish. The variety of leaves you can collect during these periods is unparalleled, making it an ideal time to get crafty.

From drawing on individual leaves to crafting intricate mandalas, garlands, or other leaf-based artworks, the possibilities are endless. Your kids will surely delight in working with this ephemeral medium, and with a little Mod Podge magic, your creations can be preserved for years to come.

Playdough Activities

Playdough Activities
Playdough Activities

Indoor playdough sessions can be a great way to unwind on a quiet weekend. What sets these moments apart is the combination of creative freedom and tactile exploration. The addition of tools like scissors and cutters takes the experience to the next level.

To get started, grab some playdough and supplement it with household items or a pre-curated set. This will not only bring out your child’s inner artist but also provide an opportunity for quality bonding time.

By planning engaging activities in advance, you can ensure that weekends are filled with joy rather than drudgery.

27 Fun Weekend Children Activities

Spend quality time with your family on weekends by engaging in these fun and easy activities that will keep your little ones entertained and happy. With a preparation time of just 10 minutes, you can set the stage for a delightful 20-minute activity session, wrapping up in a total of 30 minutes. Make sure to pin and save this recipe for future reference and don’t forget to print it out for easy access.


Indulge your adventurous spirit by discovering the ideal leisure pursuit to occupy your time this weekend. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, excitement, or a mix of both, there’s an abundance of options waiting to be explored.


When it comes to choosing activities for your kids, it’s essential to find something that sparks their imagination and brings them joy. And who says you can’t have fun too? Whether you’re looking for a creative outlet or just want to spend quality time with your little ones, there are plenty of options to consider. So go ahead, get creative, and let the good times roll!

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