51 Productive Things To Do When Bored At Home

As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to reflect on our accomplishments and contemplate new goals for the coming year. If building productivity is one of your resolutions, you’re in luck – there are numerous ways to make the most of your free time. By incorporating these practical activities into your daily routine, you’ll be well on your way to establishing positive habits that can benefit your mental health and overall well-being.

With a flexible approach and an open mind, feel free to experiment with this list of productive pursuits and set long-term goals that align with your values and aspirations.

Go for a walk

Go for a walk

Going for a stroll, whether it’s to clear your mind or get your body moving, can be incredibly rejuvenating. Not only does regular walking boost mental well-being, but it also provides an accessible and maintainable habit, especially when shared with a like-minded companion who can help keep you motivated.

Plan your day with a digital planner

Plan your day with a digital planner

As I reflect on the new year, I find myself excited to start fresh with a new planner – but this one’s a game-changer. Unlike previous years, I can now enjoy a wide range of views, including weekly and monthly layouts, as well as an at-a-glance overview and a progress dashboard to track my goals. With this program, I can effortlessly keep tabs on my exercise routine, meal planning, important tasks, and to-do lists, all while scheduling out my needs in various ways through an intuitive interface.

What’s more, it makes for a thoughtful present for oneself or loved ones – like a best friend! The cherry on top? Shared content among family members is just a click away.

Set new goals

While setting goals can be an effective way to achieve success, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially around New Year’s when there’s pressure to make significant changes. To avoid feeling daunted, consider making goal setting a fun and enjoyable process. You could try creating a vision board or using a goal planner to help you stay organized. The key is to keep things simple and achievable by starting with small, manageable tasks.

For example, you might set a goal to eat no sugar one day a week, take a one-minute walk during your lunch break, or treat yourself to coffee or lunch twice a week. Once you’ve completed these initial goals, you can revisit and refine them as needed.

Listen to a productivity podcast

If you’re looking to expand your knowledge on a new subject this year, consider tuning into a productivity podcast. These informative resources offer valuable insights and actionable advice to help you achieve your goals. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, learning a new skill or accomplishing a task becomes significantly more manageable.

Read a book

Read a book

To make progress on my goal of becoming well-read, I’ve found that it’s essential to carve out time to physically open a book and start reading. While articles can also be beneficial in the same field of interest, there’s something unique about immersing oneself in a book. In my experience, having an e-reader has been instrumental in helping me stay committed to this goal.

With access to essentially any book I want at my fingertips, it’s become much easier for me to make progress and enjoy the process.

Do some volunteer work

Transforming your outlook by prioritizing others’ needs can have a profound impact on both yourself and the community. Whether you’re drawn to helping hands, volunteering, or simply lending a listening ear, there are numerous opportunities to make a difference in fields that resonate with you. By sharing this experience with friends or family members, you can amplify your collective impact and foster stronger bonds along the way.

Learn a new language

While age may play a role in language learning, it’s crucial to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all timeline for acquiring a new tongue. In reality, anyone can start learning a language at any stage of life. The key lies not in when we begin, but rather in the consistency and dedication with which we approach our studies.

This means embracing a variety of approaches, such as mobile apps, video courses, or traditional classroom settings – as long as we commit to regular practice and self-improvement.

Clean up your computer

Clean up your computer

Streamlining your digital life can have a profound impact on its overall functionality and efficiency. One area that often benefits from regular organization is your computer. To maintain a well-oiled machine, consider implementing a seasonal clean-out schedule. This approach ensures that your device stays running smoothly throughout the year. By committing to regular maintenance, you’ll find it’s easier to tackle tasks and stay productive.

Clean out your email inbox

Clean out your email inbox

In addition to tidying up your physical space, it’s essential to declutter your digital life by regularly organizing your inbox. While seasonal cleaning may not be necessary for every aspect of your online presence, your email account is an exception. The sheer volume of old messages can quickly become overwhelming, with years’ worth of emails cluttering your digital space and making it difficult to find what you need.

As I’ve found helpful, starting each day by quickly sorting through your inbox can be a great way to clear the mental fog before diving into work. Alternatively, consider setting aside one day a week to dedicate to email organization, where you categorize important messages and delete any unnecessary ones.

Learn a new skill

The value of learning a new skill extends beyond age limits, offering an unparalleled opportunity for personal growth and cognitive development. Engaging in novel activities stimulates the brain’s potential, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning, regardless of the task at hand. As you embark on this journey, remember to approach it with a sense of adventure and playfulness, embracing the possibility of failure as a valuable learning experience.

Failing is not only an inevitable part of the process but also an opportunity to refine your approach, incorporating lessons learned into future endeavors.

Create a progress tracker

Realizing the value of tracking progress is a game-changer. It’s astonishing how satisfying and helpful it can be to monitor the work you’ve put in, whether that’s towards a new hobby, personal growth, or even physical health. By keeping tabs on your journey, you’re not only acknowledging the effort you’re putting in but also gaining valuable insight into what works best for you. This, in turn, can significantly boost your commitment to making progress and achieving your goals.

Prepare your grocery list

Prepare your grocery list

When it comes to grocery shopping for your meal plan, many of us may feel overwhelmed by the task. However, taking a few minutes to prepare a list beforehand can make all the difference, saving both time and money. By being more intentional with our purchases, we can utilize simple tools like planners to streamline the process and ensure that we’re getting exactly what we need.

Go somewhere new

Embarking on a journey to an unfamiliar destination can evoke a mix of emotions – from excitement to nervousness. However, with a thoughtful approach to planning, you’ll be well-prepared to create lasting memories. Whether it’s a spontaneous day trip or a meticulously planned getaway, traveling to new places has the power to push us out of our comfort zones and stimulate our minds as we navigate unfamiliar surroundings.

Start a new morning and bedtime routine

The allure of scrolling through social media feeds to discover others’ morning and bedtime routines is undeniable. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that creating effective practices stems from understanding what resonates with your unique needs and preferences. While I’ve drawn inspiration from various routines, it’s the simplicity of the habits that have truly stuck.

Get a plant and keep it alive

Get a plant and keep it alive

Sustaining the vitality of a living plant amidst the chaos of daily life can be a daunting task. However, when successful, the sense of accomplishment that follows is unparalleled. In fact, nurturing a plant serves as a potent reminder to stay intentional and focused on tasks that may not immediately respond or provide feedback, yet still convey their needs through subtle cues.

Start a blog

Are you passionate about a particular subject or hobby? If so, starting a blog could be an ideal way to share your enthusiasm with others. Initially, aim to maintain a smaller scope and focus on posting consistently. As you become more comfortable, consider leveraging social media platforms to promote your blog and explore opportunities for collaboration with brands, potentially monetizing your online presence.

Start a bullet journal

Start a bullet journal

Bullet journals have become an incredibly versatile tool for tracking a wide range of personal data. From monitoring emotional fluctuations to keeping tabs on movies to watch or exercise routines, these notebooks offer a unique way to quantify and reflect on various aspects of one’s life. In addition to serving as a progress tracker, bullet journals can also be used to maintain lists – whether it’s daily tasks, shopping lists, or personal goals.

The beauty of this system lies in its customizability; users can create their own layouts, designs, and contents to suit their individual needs. For those who prefer to purchase a journal, there are countless options available. Alternatively, DIY enthusiasts can craft their own unique bullet journal from scratch, limited only by their imagination.

Do some financial planning

While opinions may be divided on the value of financial planning, its benefits are undeniable. Whether you’re a fan of meticulously crafted budgets or prefer to approach your finances with a more free-spirited approach, having a plan in place can have a profound impact on one’s life. This is true regardless of whether you’re looking to optimize your daily expenses, secure a comfortable retirement, or simply enjoy a worry-free vacation.

By taking the time to think critically about your financial goals and develop a roadmap for achieving them, individuals from all walks of life can reap significant rewards.

Make a new friend

While I thoroughly enjoy forging new connections, it’s not always easy to find someone who shares my enthusiasm. Certain commonalities can facilitate the process, such as being a new parent, participating in community service, or sharing a passion for a particular sport. I recommend finding an activity that genuinely excites you and engaging with like-minded individuals through this shared interest. You never know who might be waiting to strike up a conversation!

Not only will you discover potential new friends, but you’ll also have the opportunity to bond over shared experiences. To take things to the next level, consider hosting a get-together with your newfound companions. A fun and lively atmosphere can be created by incorporating one of these popular beer drinking games, ensuring an unforgettable experience for all.

Take an online course

Take an online course

If you’re eager to explore new experiences but struggle to find the time to physically get there, consider taking your interests online. Look for digital courses or tutorials that allow you to participate remotely. Not only does this save you time and energy, but it also provides a more flexible approach. Many online courses are recorded, so if you don’t quite connect with the activity, you can simply move on without wasting too much time or resources.

This way, you can experiment and learn from the comfort of your own space.

Join a club

Joining a club that aligns with your interests is an excellent way to combine socializing and personal fulfillment. By participating in an activity or hobby you’re passionate about, you’ll not only make new friends but also have dedicated time for yourself during the week. To find these opportunities, consider exploring local libraries, recreation centers, or conducting a quick online search in your area.

These resources can provide a wealth of possibilities for meeting like-minded individuals and engaging in shared pursuits.

Organize your space

Organize your space

Sometimes, giving your living space a thorough makeover can be the perfect catalyst for sparking innovation and improving functionality. By organizing even the smallest rooms, such as a bedroom or laundry room, you may find yourself approaching tasks with fresh eyes and new ideas. This simple yet effective approach can lead to unexpected breakthroughs, as a decluttered and streamlined environment fosters mental clarity and creativity.

Start a side hustle

Got a spare moment, a talent you’re eager to hone, or a financial gap to fill? Consider turning your passion into a side hustle, allowing your creative entrepreneurial spirit to flourish. As you work on your side project, any additional earnings can be used to cover everyday expenses, fund exciting experiences, or support the needs of yourself and loved ones. Moreover, this venture can bring joy and a sense of accomplishment as you build expertise and confidence in your chosen craft.

Learn some new productivity hacks

Learn some new productivity hacks

While I’m always on the lookout for innovative ways to boost efficiency, discovering new productivity hacks is a true passion of mine. By streamlining daily tasks or meal prep, individuals can carve out more time to focus on what truly matters – whether that’s enhancing their own life or making a positive impact on those around them.

To stay ahead of the curve and uncover fresh ideas, I regularly scour my favorite platforms for inspiration.

These include Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok, which offer an array of creative solutions to everyday challenges. Interested in exploring more? Look no further than the rest of my blog, where you’ll find a treasure trove of productivity hacks covering topics such as cleaning, childcare, and beyond.

Share your knowledge

As my personal growth evolves, I’ve come to understand that sharing my expertise has a twofold benefit. Not only does it allow me to refine my understanding by articulating my thoughts and experiences, but it also enables others to learn from my successes and failures. In doing so, I create opportunities for mutual learning and collaboration, fostering a sense of community among individuals with shared goals and interests.

Get out of your comfort zone

While acknowledging that stepping out of one’s comfort zone can be daunting for many, embracing this challenge can have a profoundly positive impact on personal growth. The process itself can be grueling, but it fosters increased intelligence, resilience, and emotional intelligence. Furthermore, when things don’t go as planned, the experience often becomes a humorous anecdote with valuable lessons to be learned from the misstep.

Start a new hobby/craft

Start a new hobby/craft

One effective way to reignite passion is by exploring new experiences through classes or hobbies. Consider enrolling in a course that aligns with your interests or teaming up with a friend to try something novel. As you delve deeper into the activity, you may uncover entrepreneurial opportunities or discover a lifelong pastime. Moreover, if the skill is teachable, it can become a valuable legacy for your children.

Cook a new recipe

In our household, food plays a vital role in introducing our children to the diverse cultures and communities around the world. By cooking new recipes, we can embark on a culinary journey that not only tantalizes their taste buds but also fosters an appreciation for the global community’s unique traditions. When exploring unfamiliar cuisines, it’s best to start with a simple recipe featuring ingredients or techniques you’re already familiar with.

This approach allows you to gradually build upon your skills and develop a deeper understanding of the culture behind the dish.

Go for a swim

Swimming is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, offering both entertainment for kids and physical exercise for adults. The beauty of swimming lies in its accessibility – from local recreational centers with pools to public pools, lakes, or even oceans. As you start to incorporate this habit into your routine, it’s essential to prioritize caution and gradually build up your endurance to avoid any discomfort or injuries.



Incorporating meditation into one’s daily routine can have a profound impact on both mental and physical well-being. By taking the time to sit quietly, focus inward, and quiet the mind, individuals can cultivate a greater sense of calm and clarity, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and purposeful connection with themselves and the world around them.

Stretch or do Yoga

When it comes to yoga, meditation can be a great complement. As you move through various poses, you’re already tuning into your body’s sensations, making it easier to transition into a meditative state. Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or just starting out, yoga is an excellent way to get started. And the best part? You can find a yoga class that suits your comfort level and style in almost any community.

If you’re new to yoga, I recommend checking out this extra cushioned mat that’s helped me through many a practice.

Try a new Fitness class

Looking for a change of pace from yoga? Consider trying out a high-energy fitness class instead! You can explore various options such as community classes, private sessions, or even pop-up events. Take the time to try out a few different ones to see which style resonates with you the most. And who knows, you might just find some like-minded individuals to connect with and make new friends along the way.

Find a new place to work or study

Find a new place to work or study

Shaking things up by switching locations can be a game-changer when it comes to boosting creativity and overcoming productivity slumps. Whether it’s a change of scenery from your usual coffee shop, library, or even a restaurant or bar, moving out of your comfort zone can help stimulate fresh ideas and approaches. Why not invite a friend who shares similar challenges to join you on this adventure? Just be sure to strike a balance between exploring new spots and staying focused on your work.

The possibilities are endless!

Make a new productivity playlist

I’ve found that having a consistent creative catalyst can significantly boost productivity. To that end, I create a unique playlist for each day of the week, curating tracks that align with a specific theme or mood to stimulate my mind and inspire focused work.

Plan your week

By planning your week ahead of time, you can avoid last-minute surprises and instead make informed decisions about how to allocate your time. When you have a clear sense of what’s coming up, you’re better equipped to manage your schedule effectively and collaborate with others to achieve shared goals.

Clean out your junk drawer

Clean out your junk drawer

The humble junk drawer: a treasure trove of forgotten items. While it may be daunting to tackle the chaos within, the benefits of a tidy space far outweigh the fear factor. In fact, by purging unnecessary items, you’ll find that essential objects magically reappear when you need them most. So, take a deep breath and commit to relocating or discarding anything that doesn’t bring you regular joy – your future self will thank you!

Clean out your pantry – throw out expired food

For some individuals, the process of organizing their pantry can be daunting. However, by committing to perform this task on a regular basis, particularly during each season, one can experience significant improvements in this area. To stay on track, I utilize a small dry-erase board in my kitchen to keep tabs on seasonal tasks, including pantry organization.

Make backups of important documents

Before diving into the world of document management, take the time to create duplicates of important papers to avoid last-minute scrambles. As you acquire valuable items, use your scanner to digitize them and save the copies in an easily accessible location – like this [example folder]. Meanwhile, store the original documents along with other vital records in a secure space, where they’ll be safe from harm.

Update your resume

Update your resume

Throughout my career, I’ve maintained a consistent practice of keeping my resume up-to-date, a habit that has allowed me to approach job transitions with greater ease and reduced stress. This proactive approach has been particularly valuable when applying for new opportunities or preparing for potential future moves.

Clean out / Organize your phone

While the idea of organizing your phone may seem daunting, it can have a significant impact on its performance and usability. By freeing up valuable memory space, you’ll be able to enjoy a smoother experience when using your device on a daily basis. To get started, consider implementing a routine that suits your needs – whether it’s a weekly, monthly, or seasonal tidying process – and adapt as necessary to keep your phone running efficiently.

Make a DIY project

Transforming a DIY project into a social experience is a great way to unwind. Simply search for inspiration on social media platforms, then gather some like-minded individuals – whether it’s family or friends – and let the creativity flow! Not only will you be tackling a fun project together, but you’ll also be putting your party planning skills to the test with these effortlessly easy DIY decorations.

Catch up on the news

Catch up on the news

Staying informed about current events can be a valuable habit. Rather than simply being aware of what’s going on, it’s essential to find a method that works for you. This might involve having a go-to news source or preferred medium through which you consume information. It’s also important to determine how frequently you’d like to stay updated, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the world with confidence and make informed decisions.

Donate blood

By making a conscious effort to give back to society, individuals can have a profound impact on the lives of others. One such way is through blood donation. This selfless act has far-reaching benefits, as it allows people in various circumstances to receive the life-saving gift they need. While not everyone may be comfortable with giving blood, there are alternative ways to support the blood drive and make a positive difference.

Go to a museum

Embarking on a self-directed learning journey by exploring novel educational resources is an excellent way to continue expanding your knowledge beyond the confines of the classroom. One such resource that can greatly enrich your understanding of culture and history is a museum visit, which fosters critical thinking and stimulating conversation.

To further augment this experience, I always carry a notebook with me, where I record my thoughts, insights, or make note of artists whose work piques my interest, allowing me to reflect on the encounter and plan future explorations.

Rearrange your furniture according to feng shui

Rearrange your furniture according to feng shui

While it’s understandable to think that the intricacies of feng shui might seem overwhelming at first, this ancient practice has been honed into a unique art form over centuries. By immersing myself in its fundamentals and carefully curating the energy in my home, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact it can have on the well-being of my family.

Catch up with a friend or family member you haven’t called in a while

While it’s challenging to keep perfect track of our loved ones, making an effort to stay in touch is crucial. The next time you think about reaching out to someone, take the initiative to make it happen – they’ll likely appreciate your thoughtfulness just as much as you do. In the meantime, why not use some laughter therapy? These hilarious prank call ideas can be a great way to unwind and have fun while keeping your loved ones entertained.

Spend some quality time with your pet

Spend some quality time with your pet

Spend quality moments together, free from distractions, and let your bond grow. This can be as effortless as taking a leisurely stroll, sharing a heartfelt hug, or simply enjoying the great outdoors with your furry friend by your side.

Go on a photo walk

Snap pictures that evoke joyful memories to come! This exercise cultivates mindful appreciation for life’s little pleasures. Grab a disposable camera or polaroid and capture moments that fill your heart with warmth, such as a stunning sunset, a playful moment with loved ones, or a quirky observation that brings a smile. The act of anticipating future happiness can be a powerful reminder to cherish the good times and cultivate a more optimistic outlook.

Write a letter to your future self

Engaging in the introspective practice of writing a letter to yourself, whether it’s addressed to your future or past self, has been shown to have profound effects on personal healing and growth. By doing so, you can cultivate a deeper sense of connection with yourself, which can be particularly meaningful when reflecting on past experiences or looking towards a brighter future.

Take a break and have some fun

Take a break and have some fun

While it may seem counterintuitive, taking a break can be incredibly productive when done correctly. In fact, neglecting to rest and recharge can lead to burnout if you continue to push yourself at an unsustainable pace. To avoid this, make time for relaxation and rejuvenation. One enjoyable way to do so is by indulging in some of the many super fun board games out there.

These games offer a great way to unwind, have some laughs with friends or family, and take your mind off the stresses of everyday life.

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